In doing the adjustments I did have different numbers. I think as much as 2 or more degrees.
Thanks for the nice words on the fab work!
Thanks for the nice words on the fab work!
Coup, yes would be a real treat at some point to get together! Count us in.
Sure understand your shoulder situation. Your doing a great job with the circumstances you have. You truly are a one armed wallpaper hanger!
Nice work on that tunnel Coup. Murphy's law says that if you make it removeable, you'll never have to. On the flipside, if you don't...
Nobody told me I had to leave some room for a steering column.... gee wiz.
This going to take some doing..... To get the collumn out of the way of my pedals it's going to have to go thru the firewall on the high side. It also seems that it will have to be higher on the dash, cutting into the cutout for my speedo which is no big deal. I can put the speedo in the middle of the dash or make a the panel higher on the dash.
It'll also be a little off center which I can also deal with.
The problem is where it will exit my firewall.... right on the corner of my valve cover. See the magic star in picture. I'm going to have to use one of those chain driven offset deals. My head is only about 3/4" off my firewall so it will have to be grafted into the firewall or mounted inside the firewall.
I'm for sure going to have to build my own headers to work around all this. Speaking of headers, I did order and receive the headers from hot heads.... they are a no go, they end up in bad spot on the cab...
A guy on FB reworked this set for a BBC and they looked pretty good. Port spacing is very close. I'll attach a picture of the set he built
I ordered a set of welded flanges from Hot Head ad will order that patriot kit tomorrow.
I'm all ears if you guys have any ideas.
There is a lot of stuff that has to share the little bit of room on the drivers side, it can make for some sleep less nights of imagineering. [P[P