It ain't grey hair, it's chrome!
OK....very cool. Sweet Job. I'd like to paint my frame rather than powdercoat.
Was thinking about single staging it. Have you had good luck with the Rustoluem? Spray or Rush.
It really depends on what you expect from a paint job. Rustoleum is cheap and easy to get from your local building supply store. It is basically old style acrylic enamel, it takes forever to dry but that can be fixed by adding hardener to the mix. To spray, I've been using 5 parts Rustoleum, 1 part Acetone and 1/2 part hardener. I've just used whatever hardener I have around, usually some kind of urethane hardener. I've sprayed it directly on bare metal and on primer - I will say that it is harder to sand the Rustoleum primer if you are looking for a super finish, it is still pretty elastic, you'll need to wet sand. Usually I prime with epoxy or urethane primer/surfacer because I'm lazy and don't like wet sanding, so I can do it dry
Do some practice spraying first to get used to it, you may want to tweak the mix with more or less Acetone depending on your gun and skill level, etc.
I am certainly no expert at this and have had my share of screw-ups and runs - it's always an adventure painting stuff in far less than ideal conditions but I stubbornly keep doing it.