Shea Laking
Well-known member
GEM = Generic Electronic Module (Or something close) it basically takes the place of a bunch of relays. It runs all kinds of things and they crap out all the time. Ford loves to use them instead of individual relays.
Nope. Nothin' close, bang on the money. Generic Electronic Modules can be used in a similar fashion to relays to control different electronic accessories or components... Hence "generic."
Full wiring diagrams would most certainly be an asset. If you have some time to kill, drop by your local Ford dealership service department and ask about the manuals... Most all places have switched over to CD/ROM and if they still have the paper manuals kicking around, you might pick it up cheap or even free!
Looking forward to progress. I'm thinking this is a great idea, around here the ready supply of cheap RWD donor cars has all but dried up. FWD is all that's left, so let's see some creative use of 'em!!![