bob w
Still crazy after all these years!
Come on, get the "old stuff" in gear again. We'll cheer you on.[cl
Come on, get the "old stuff" in gear again. We'll cheer you on.[cl
Neutral ain't good for too long either. Being idle is worse on you than wearing out the old parts...
neutral is a whole lot better than dead. good to hear you`re doing well...sort of...Just keep getting better.
Hey Pal,
Glad your moving at it again. We talked but I can't remember the issue. I've been down as well with my shoulder, then the blood clots. I'm moving slow, cleaning up the garage and we're gona take a stab at that leaking ollector on Monday. No fun not being in the garage. Ring me up if you need to vent bro.
Glad to see your getting better [cl
Little steps will get you there![]()
Good to see you back. [P[P
Very cool indeed!
I say! Rather a bit of steampunk flaver. Looks ace.
Hey OS..... Glad your back at it. I am as well.....until I get the next shoulder done that is. I'm going to ring you up over the next few days. Whats a good time for you?
Fab up a couple of leaf springs with a good sturdy frame to hold it to the floor. You may have to work with the length on them depending on how much room you have. If you cut it or drill it anywhere just keep it cool. You'll be surprised how you can cantilever those into use.