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Rat Rods Rule

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New member
Mar 13, 2010
Lima OH, but a native in the South Subs of Chicago
Whats up people I just was accepted to join RRR.
I was trying to join but was black balled by their webmaster everytime I registered for no reason so I just got fed up and dont recomend joining the Forum and their non sence "Requirements" which they only have you fill in the user name,password and ask if you would like to share your e-mail with the website and fellow members which I did in full but
apparently that is not to their "Requirements"
It was just a big headache and waste of time for a first time register.
I want to thank the webmaster here at RRR for not giving me the run around and not denying me for no reason.
First off I want to say that I do not work on cars or had the chance to work on or build anything on wheels.
I am a car fan no matter who built it or where it came from,Rat Rods and Rat Bikes are just one of the branches of the love for cars and motorcycles I have.
Maybe someday I can get my hands dirty but till then I would like to get all the information I can get and also socialize with people with similar love for the RAT Scene.
If you met me You will know right away Im a "Metal Head" and in no way look like a greaser plus Im balding hence the shaved head so no cool greaser hair cut for me.
I listing to Death Metal and through the years have grown up and broke through the prejudice of the music scene and found the Genre of Rockabilly and Psychobilly awsome to jam out to.
You can call me a late bloomer but never had a Rat Rod scene anywhere I lived a few Lowriders with bricks in the trunk driving by but thats about it.
I also found the appreciation for Pin Ups he he he.
I also appreciated the Rat Rod scene for who they are just as I am a Metal Head we dont have time for and are true people that dont follow the trend and yes somtimes get funny looks lol.
I might not be on the Forum all the time and just might have a few Threads here and there and Reply when I can and mostly looking up all the build threads and all the Eye Candy I can get.
I must admit the RRR site isnt all dolled up like but Im happy to be a member here.
One more thing YES my Fav is the 49 Merc Led Slead chopped,shaved,streached,frenched,police lights,bagged,flame thrower,black primered,red pin striped with the wolf wistle horn...Ha I feel like Ralphy in that Christmas Story movie.
Last but not least NO I dont love all cars those lil electric cars can drive of a bridge and those huge SUV's and deep pocket rollers that buy their kids $100.000 mercedes or clones just like it so they can be on Mtv for their sweet 16 can jump off a bridge also and please stop these fools who put 56 inch rims on classic muscle cars its a disgrace and a for shame to the car world.
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Welcome to the forum. Do some lookin and listening before you get to preachy. I think you could fit in fine. Everyone here is pretty easy going. I am into the 50's greaser rockabilly scene. But not everyone here is. I also rock out to some Megadeth, Metallica, Zeppelin, etc. So your not alone there either. Everyone has to start somewhere and it's good to know you are doing some research and looking around before starting a project. You will find we like pic.s. So when you do decide to get your feet wet, let's see what you get. Oh, and I think everybody appreciates the pin-ups.[dr
Yeah Im not going get all preachy up in here and yeah that was a long intro just been a bit typy today I will try to get some pics here when I can.
Pics would help with the Thread I want to start here soon but all in all want to thank all the welcomes sent.
Glad to be aboard.
I gotta hand it to you..... When you do an intro, you do it with enthusiasm! Welcome to the site from Tennessee. Great to have you. Don't worry about that other site. They have a reputation for that kind of stuff. RRR is the best place to be anyway. Lots of great people here.


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