First let me exsplain why i ask yall that question in the first place .
This fuel crises has really been bothering me on a personal level .
I have eat sleep and live to be creative in my life.
cars and bikes are an ''art'' outlet for me and i beleive thats true for most roders .I have devoted my whole life to build customiz's,cars bikes bycles,modelcars ,my house even has a custom fill to it for me.
What i really want to know is what would you guys do if you could'nt drive your rods anymore ?
I think we[rodders] all are kinda like artist ,so i believe most will still build some thing cool even if we cant build and drive rods !
I know about alternative fuels ,believe me ,thats all i think about any more and i think hydrogen is a way we as hot roders will go eventually .
To me to not be able to build rods would be a life changing event , it completes me.
Don't get me wrong ,i dont think its posible to kill out rodding altogether[I believe the average rodder is the probably the best problem solver their is .]
But i do beleive some very big changes are gonna happin sooner than most people beleive it will?