Skull Master
Remember the Tulsa time capsule car. 50 years before they decided to put 5 gallons of gas in with the car in case people used something else by the time it was opened, in 2007.
I think we are all watchers in this fuel thing.As long as there is oil in the ground thats what we will burn. Remember this fast eddie truism. Eddie says - " its not what we are being told that counts ,its what we ARE NOT being told that really matters." The big money boys are in control of this and we will do it their way. Wether you like them or not they did not get where they are because their stupid.Do you think when the whiskey maker says drink responsibily he really wants you to cut back hell no he is just making you think he cares HA Ha Bio Diesel corn gas etc. is just smoke to make the what happed people stay asleep.The internal combustion engine will be around till the last drop of oil comes out of the ground. Then with the oil companys permission the politicans will announce they have just the thing to save us so we will vote them in for another round of bend over with out any grease. The Arabs have to get 30 dollars a barrell to break even. The price is set at what they think we will pay. so far they have been right , we went from 1.00/gal to 2.85/gal with out missing a beat. More cars on highway than ever before . Sure some people are hurting ,but there has always been people hurting . Lets all vote for the canditate who will get us out of this mess, oh on second thought there isnt one. Gosh Bonehead where you live is lookin better all the time. How many of us can you take in? Will work for parts, Rat Rod Nation has a nice ring to it , see this is what happens when i dont take my govt issue meds.