We have a new (temporary) buddy. Every night I feed from 6-10 stray cats that live near my shop, and a while back Smokie and his GF had a litter of two kittens. After a while the parents started bringing the new kittens around to eat, the one was brave, but the little white one was really skittish and would run off when she saw us coming.
A few weeks ago the one little kitten simply disappeared and has not been back, and that happens way too often. Not sure what happens to them but I know it isn't good.

The little white one got braver and would actually play with me with a mouse on a fishing line, so I made the decision to not let her meet with the same fate. Wednesday night I set out an animal trap and I was able to catch the white kitten.
We can't keep her because we already have two at home, so we are going to find her a good home somewhere. The amazing thing is, up until Wednesday night she was a Feral cat, living in the wild, and within two days she has become completely tame. I can hold her and pet her..........she is just a sweetheart. Very gentle and smart, she already knows her name, Snowball.
I've learned a little about the breed, it is called a Lynx Pointed Tabby. She has some Siamese in her and the weird thing is that the white coat is only on the body, where there is body heat, and the extremities, like the ears, tail, and feet, turn darker because it is colder there. They also will have blue eyes forever.
I keep her locked in the office at the shop and go there every day to play with her for a few hours and feed her. She runs up to me when I come in and it is really going to be hard to part with her when the time comes, but I just have to. Anyway, here are a couple of pictures.