so I wanted to update this thread even though it was WAY back in the forgotten corner of my mind. I just re-read it and was once again overwhelmed by the prayers, support and advice of all those who were involved in that dark chapter of my family life. To give a full update you must read a lot.
1. The ex got remarried soon after the divorce was final, it lasted about 18 months and she caught him as a cheater... 3 random internet hook ups... rumor has it that it was men he was meeting

She had guy #3 moved in before divorce 2 was ever finalized, but has since got all that worked out, and is on husband 3 now. I feel for the poor guy sometimes, because he seems nice enough, and my kids like him. they now live about 1-/2 hours from me and I get to see my kids regularly... it has been long enough now that drama for the most part is done and I only contact her or she me when it is kid related- it stays civil.
2. For me, I found a wonderful godly woman who after much prayer and dating decided to let me sweep her off her feet. We have a wonderful life together, she has good kids and all our kids get along fine. I have been allowed to pastor again and I have been doing so for about 18 months now. The new church family loves us and has accepted our past as past and lets us be us. My wife, Kathy, and I are the same age, have the same morals and values, and work very well together- in our home and in our church. God did have a plan, though I couldn't see it at the time, and I must give Him the credit for making the best out of a bad situation! I am amazed at how good things can be sometimes... life-all of life- is "easier"
so there you have it, the last 3-4 years of my life summed up