Rambling pointless observations

Rat Rods Rule

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A *real* tin magnet
Dec 10, 2007
Black Hills South Dakota
Why do people who smoke beat the crap out of a new pack of cigarettes? I've noticed them doing that for years, see it outside the grocery/convenience stores. And the more ghetto the person looks, the more they pound, often climb into a Pontiac Grand Am with a garbage sack taped over a window and a worn out space saver spare or two on the car.
Pack em tighter so they burn longer? Should pound them until they're smashed! The smokes , not the smoker...:D
when i smoked i would pack them, i quit when i turned 27 and started back at 47, and have been quit again for over two years again (51 years old now) see what lighting fireworks for the grandkids with a cigar will get you
I pack smokes. More depending on what sort of package they come in...and ALWAYS with Lucky Strikes. 'Cos, well, it looks cool haha. No really though, CR55 is right, packs em in so it burns longer.
I always wonder why people smoke at all. :confused: If you think about it, the habit is almost like when people used to suck snuff up their noses in the old days to make them sneeze. :rolleyes:

Some times I smoke some times I don't "more then less". I'm 52 and I've never smacked a pac.. I started when I turned 18 when I made the doctor tell me how serious of problem I had with my heart,I was born with a bad heart and my parents wouldn't tell me.........I look back and wish I had never asked:mad:
Smoking is bad for ya..yada yada yada.. we all know that..

I think if non smokers knew how hard it is to quit smoking they would quit ragging on smokers.. its a tough, tough thing to do.. My hats off to anybody that has done it successfully..I'm not there yet..
I think if smokers knew how silly it looked to non-smokers,
they wouldn't do it!!:rolleyes:

It's a addiction. Just like rat rods,try to never look at another nice car again:eek: you couldn't, most of us who smoke wish we didn't. I don't drink alcohol people who get drunk look silly to me, so. We all do something someone else don't like,so like anything else we deal with it.
I think if smokers knew how silly it looked to non-smokers,
they wouldn't do it!!:rolleyes:

Odd, I smoke a pipe (tobacco, not "other") and I get lots of people that come up to me to tell me how it brings back memories of their dad/grandfather and him smoking a pipe, or compliment the scent.

I had one gal walk past me on the riverwalk. Broke down and started crying because her dad died last year, and apparently my pipe smelled like his. She thanked me and gave me a hug for bringing back a fond memory.
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Smoking is bad for ya..yada yada yada.. we all know that..

I think if non smokers knew how hard it is to quit smoking they would quit ragging on smokers.. its a tough, tough thing to do.. My hats off to anybody that has done it successfully..I'm not there yet..

Been free of nicotine for nearly 6 years after 30+ of a pack a day or more.
The first 3 years were some of the hardest times in my life but now I rarely give them a thought.
I have smoked off and on for about 44 years. Never in the house, car or around others who don't so many people never realized it. Nowdays it is a couple little tipped cigars a day, made from pipe tobacco and I have had people who don't like smoke tell me how good they smell.
This was more about an observed strange behavior than it was a platform to discuss smoking, but I guess I knew it would go there because some of you have expressed very strong emotions about your dislike for it before.
I smoked cigarettes for years and never felt the need to pound them for any reason, nor do I remember any of my smoker friends doing it back then.
I have smoked off and on for about 44 years. Never in the house, car or around others who don't so many people never realized it. Nowdays it is a couple little tipped cigars a day, made from pipe tobacco and I have had people who don't like smoke tell me how good they smell.
This was more about an observed strange behavior than it was a platform to discuss smoking, but I guess I knew it would go there because some of you have expressed very strong emotions about your dislike for it before.
I smoked cigarettes for years and never felt the need to pound them for any reason, nor do I remember any of my smoker friends doing it back then.

Did kinda go off into left field didn't it...sorry about that...I've seen people pack them, but I've never felt the need to do so..

and congrats to Englishbob for quitting..I quit for 3 months once and it was dang tough..but I felt stupid for picking them back up..
Been free of nicotine for nearly 6 years after 30+ of a pack a day or more.
The first 3 years were some of the hardest times in my life but now I rarely give them a thought.

Although I quit nearly 24 years ago... I have to say... quitting is very easy!!! I should know... I did it at least 100 times!!! [ddd[ddd[ddd

I smoked for quite a few years then realized what it does to you and quit! You can do it to Tim...I think the key to quiting is that you REALLY want to do it....I did it and never looked back...good luck to all that want to quit....you can do it!...
As a leather jacketed, duck tail hair do 50's teenager it was almost a requirement to smoke. I tried and tried but couldn't get the hang of it. Seemed like trying to breathe under water.

I guess there is one advantage to being left handed and Polish.

Later, I figured out smoking was a waste of beer money.
Well....me too.

I smoked cigarettes for about 45 years....a pipe for 5 years. (Loved the pipe!) I finally quit 3 years ago but I can feel the damage I did.:mad:

"Packing" the pack also keeps pieces of the lighted tobacco from falling from the cigarette and burning holes in your clothes.:(

When you smoke as long as I did, it becomes a "lifestyle". But when I decided, I just put em down. You CAN quit!!!! You just have to make up your mind.[cl

You CAN quit!!!! You just have to make up your mind.[cl

I dont want to quit. I dont drink alcohol. I never even tried drugs (not even pot). And a new study said that cigar and pipe smoking are no longer the leading cause of throat cancer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oral sex is (from the HPV virus). Should I quit that too? :mad: