Rambling pointless observations

Rat Rods Rule

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Both my grandfathers smoked...I think they both packed the cigs...They both quit my grandfather on my dads side quit smoking and drinking at the same time cold turkey...but my grandfather on my mom's side only quit when he had to be put on oxygen and then a about 5 years later he died of emphysema...more or less suffocated in a nursing home....Needless to say I do not smoke. I sneaked one once it was not very pleasent.

last year my great uncle passed away at nearly 100 years old. I asked him once, when I was home from travelling, what his secret was:
"I smoke cigarettes, but no more than a pack a day, I drink a couple glasses of wine with my meal, and have some grappa in my coffee in the morning. And I cut my own lawn"

the docs have told me with my heart problem to cut back (was 2+ packs a day, even more if at a show or out at the bar) but not to quit outright? meh....I smoke about a pack a day
I smoked luckys and camel no filters for years packing them kept the lose tabaco outa my mouth but some people just go a little over board to the point its annoying 3 smack limit please [ddd