
Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2008
Northshore, Lake Pontchatrain
First of all I am just venting for a minute.

On another forum I frequent I posted a thread similar to one I have here.

Apparently this violated some moderator's view of the rules. OF course I can't find any rule forbidding that thread. Thread was closed, not that it bothered me.

What did bother me was the threat the moderator made.

"I would cut you ****'s off"

This was said in response to me posting the same picture I posted here of a 41 Packard that I had taken.

Just thought it was uncalled for from a moderator.
Lets see......where would that forum be.....

I guess that I would not be concerned about the immature response to something so ridiculous....out of line, you bet.....unusual probably not....something to lose sleep over....NOPE....but you are free to rant.....:D
Not too worried about just amazed that it was a mod who left it.

I thought about sending him a pic of ahem, them, and letting him know he could come try. [ddd

Of course that would bring me to his level so I just let it slide.
I saw that and got a good chuckle from it as I knew I'd mention it in your Barnfind Thread here. Which I did. Just wanted to tweek you a bit cuz you know you are loved here.

Frankly, I was taken by surprise with his remarks as I thought your thread was polite and respectful. All the members that commented were enthusiastic and positive. I think he thought you were trespassing and somehow intended to get the car by nefarious means. Your avatar pushed him over the edge.
I went "over there" and read the thread. I'm confused, too. Avatar aside, he comes off like you were looking over HIS fence. [S

I don't know what his problem is, but I wanna hear the rest of the story about the car. Let us know how you make out.....
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This is the only forroom I,m acquainted with and from all I've been hearing, I'm missing all the excitement :(
Rant here N let it go :D
My boys are for hire just say the word [ddev


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Wow. Kinda testy wasn't he. I am usually the advocate of not trespassing either but taking a picture over the fence is a little different deal, could still get you shot I suppose. I've had my hinney reamed for looking over a fence once.
So is an Editor the same as a Moderator?
I am sure your intentions were harmless, but on the other side of the coin it IS private property. Some people don't like others poking around and for good reason. I know sticking your nose over my fence and especially taking pictures would get you on the business end of some iron quickly. I'm not trying to ream you here - I know it looked abandoned etc. etc., but just think about that. Regardless of what it is - it isn't yours, so tread lightly.

That being said, Good luck with your quest to find the owner before you do anything else. If you can't then it just wasn't meant to be. Also let this be a lesson - If you find something keep it to yourself until it's legally yours! Haha...
Thanks guys. Funny thing is there is another thread on there that is all pics through fences, over fences, etc. I suppose that one is okay cause they didn't specifically say the climbed the fence.

In reality I didn't either, just hung the camera over the top. I could have taken the photo from another angle that is well exposed but I wanted a head on shot.

Not only that but I was standing on the public right of way, the fence is the property line so I was not trespassing and would never trespass. I grew up on a farm and plain hate trespassers.
Yeah don't let it get to you. Who cares what that fool says, you don't even know him, probably never will.

It's real easy to flame someone over the interweb. I bet if you were standing face to face with that guy, he would congratulate you on your find and compliment your truck!
I hate responses like that. Those kind of expressions make me think the person saying them lacks enough intelligence to express them selves properly. I would have wanted to reply that he must need a pair for himself if he wanted mine.

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