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I'm putting a 4.3 liter Chevy Vortec V-6 into my 26 T Tudor. I am using the short, "Monza" style pump. I ordered (from somebody, I don't remember who, it was quite a while ago) the supposedly correct Harmonic balancer and water pump pulley, for the short style SBC water pump, as I have been told numerous times that the Chevy 4.3 V-6 is nothing more than a small block with the back 2 cylinders slicked off... my problem is that when I put the pulleys on, the water pump pulley is too close to the block, by about the width of the bottom, harmonic balancer, pulley. I've tried shimming the pulley out from the flange on the water pump, but even that doesn't give me anywhere near perfect alignment.. anyone have any ideas?