Bad words. Bad words. Bad words. But really, things happen to the best of us, and I can't claim that status.
I got everything checked out and couldn't find any more little things that needed to get fixed before adding coolant and cranking it. So, decided to add just water first, just to make sure I didn't leave anything loose. Short story shorter, there is a leak in the front left side of the radiator where I can't see it. So, I started pulling the front sheet metal back off, while thinking "Why didn't I think to do this test
before I put it all back together?" Because a new radiator isn't supposed to leak, thats why! Unless I made a hole in it. Or its defective. Or... Well, I decided I am was not in the mood to take the truck apart at the moment. I'll work on it tomorrow after my dentist appointment.

Hopefully, its an easy fix. I watched a couple videos on repairing holes in aluminum radiators, and it looks doable. I'll know tomorrow.
Here are a couple pics with the front sheet metal on and the truck sitting on the ground. It will be one or two inches lower when the suspension settles. The last two are my solution for what to do with mangled side panels. Covers the sides of the radiator.