Squirrel infestation! Great!

Rat Rods Rule

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The Hot Rod Cop
Apr 8, 2010
:mad: So it seems a family of flying squirrels has moved into the insulation in the ceiling of my garage. They have destroyed the insulation and peed all over everything. Now I have to pull out 900 SQFT of R30 insulation, strapping and sheet rock. Then put it all back in before winter on a budget of oh about $0! I am sure my family wants to "Save" the little buggers but I may have other plans for them. Any suggestions on how to keep them out? Thanks. End rant.[S
You need to take those driveway border lights out....

Squirrels thought they were landing lights leading to the garage......:D...
All kidding aside.....squirrels (rodents in general) don't like moth balls....just a thought....biggest issue is where they are getting in....that is the key to keep more out....but catching them is difficult....good luck with your Rocky horror show...they can really tear stuff up...:(
Squirrels thought they were landing lights leading to the garage[cl[cl[cl[cl


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Them little varmits are hard to get rid of, they can squeeze into a 2" hole. try to find the hole they are going in and make a cone out of chicken wire, leave some pronges on the small end. keeps them from trying to get back in.
Mr Know-It-All lives next door....

Peabody and Sherman, here.:D

I had red squirrels in my house attic a couple of years ago. I was lucky. (I discovered the problem early so they didn't have time to do much damage).

I don't know about the flying variety, but reds will return to the nest for countless generations if you let ONE live. Armed with that knowledge, I no longer found them cute or had any desire to "relocate" the little shredders.

My advice is.....Kill 'em! Kill 'em all! Shoot or trap them. I'm in the city (I'd use a .22 or a 12 gauge, but firearms are illegal in city limits :mad:) so I used hollow-point pellets and good old Victor rat traps with peanut butter for bait. Eight carcasses in 48 hrs. Done.

Seal off any access holes. If you need ventilation, heavy steel mesh or expanded metal.

Dr. C said it all. KILL KILL KILL!!!!!! The mesh cone thing might work or they will just gnaw another hole next to it. I hate the little tree rats. If you don't get them all, they will be back.
I had a bad problem with those varmints a few years ago. I tried everything to keep them out of my house. I'd put some metal louvers over their entry hole and they'd simply move down a foot or so and chew a new hole. The problem was finally solved after they contracted a little, shall we say, lead poisoning! :eek:

I don't think a 22 pr a 12 ga would be a good thing to use in the attic. Lol

It is the apartment upstairs i am more worried about!

skinny hungry cats, and what everyone else said

I got fat happy ones. No good there!

A customer of mine showed me how to do this. He hung a rope painted black on the outside wall. The woodpeckers and squirrels think they are black snakes and stay away

I can just see all my "Friends" asking"Why does your house have dread locks man?"[cl

Cat food soaked in anti-freeze works good for small furry pests in the garage [ddd

I heard a 5 gallon bucket with 1/3 anti freeze in it, spronkle bird seed on the surface and place a board up it. up and in and no come out!

Thanks for the support fellas. It isn't so much the taking care of the suckers is it is the replacing 900 SQ FT of insulation that hurts! Guess this is an exscuse to actually sheet rocjk and finish the ceiling.
The ol Tripper has a .22 Benjamin pump for such situations! They don't crawl back in the house & stink the place up & the possums clean up during the night! :eek:

We sold fake snakes when I was in the marine business that boaters would lay on the decks of their boats to keep birds from sitting on the boat and crapping all over it. You can get them at most marine supply stores.
