This is NOT a political rant !!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Something interesting.....

Seriously, I have no idea how you guys breezed through like that........every polling place down here was 2-8 hours waiting in line. People were standing in the rain for hours, getting bit up by fire ants, and still they waited. Good for them.

I sure hope in the next four years they poll management gets their act together and we have it easier next time around.


It is federal law that each precinct can only serve / accomodate 2999 people.....hence why larger cities have many more precinct' question is...why do some precincts do so much better at getting people thru than others..... well, it's the people that work there....mostly volunteers and unpaid help..... also, each precinct is supposed to have a "minimum" number of voting booths / areas / stands.....most will have more than the minimum and those that don't....well, you guessed it...they move there you have it....the in's and out' precinct had a minimum of 9 voting stands....they have 18.....double the required...things were moving like lightning....nobody had to wait for an open area...
Took me less than 15 minutes. A waste of time, should just let OH, VA, and FL decide next time, since it always seems to come down to them anyway! :D:D:D
Yay! Florida finally finished their presidential ballot tabulation today. A sad and embarrassing state of affairs. The supervisors of elections for the final two counties to finish counting (one of which I am a resident) appeared on local news broadcasts bragging about what a terrific job they did. Really? SERIOUSLY? The need to be relieved of duty.
Better Late than Never???

Yay! Florida finally finished their presidential ballot tabulation today. A sad and embarrassing state of affairs. The supervisors of elections for the final two counties to finish counting (one of which I am a resident) appeared on local news broadcasts bragging about what a terrific job they did. Really? SERIOUSLY? The need to be relieved of duty.

That is sad......I agree.....they need to take a serious look into what the heck is going on there.....

Don,the problem in Florida is that each county has an elected Supervisor of Elections. None ran the same. Each county should have a State appointed supervisor and every county handle voting exactly alike.:cool:
This is not an endorsement of any candidate:
Documentary on voting fraud involving hacking of electronic voting machines and voting card readers...

Al gore recieved negative vote tabulations in some precincts
in some areas of strong or moderate support for John Kerry he lost to Bush in the precincts using electronic means and did not lose in the precincts using hand counted paper ballots.

In the republican primaries Ron Paul was robbed of confirmed votes in widespread election fraud to marginalize Paul Against Romney...proven fact but primaries are regulated under party rules not statutory standards so there could be no court challenge.
Ron Paul's base represents 20% of registered republicans but the primary election results showed less than 8% and in precincts where his supporters were organized and got together prior to and after the polls to count up their votes...the poll results at the precincts did not match the bona-fide number of Ron Paul supporters who voted there.

In Many precincts in quite a few of the states where there were hundred or thousands of confirmed paul supporters who were well organized and reported to the campaign who cast ballots for Paul... showed zero votes for Paul and some showed more votes for Romney that the total number of people who voted at that precinct.

In the 2008 primaries, delegates who were chosen by their precincts to attend state and national conventions and cast for that precinct a vote for Ron Paul were denied entry to the conventions and were replaced by alternate delegates selected by party leadership and instructed to vote McCain.

I saw it happen in 2008 and I was surprised they could not stop it from happening again in 2012 even though it was expected this time.

Ron Paul is a gentleman and did nothing more than claim Shenanigans because he knew any attempt to use the courts to require the republicans to obey their own rules would be spun as sour grapes by the press and hurt him more than the fraud was hurting him.

Our country is really screwed up and the problem has nothing to do with how easy it is to cast your vote... your vote is simply not being respected.
You are there... not to chose the winning candidate... but instead to make you feel as you have been involved in an open process and simply lost a fair fight.

delphi technique
If I were to make a political statement...15% to 20% of republicans either voted Gary Johnson or didn't vote at all BECAUSE of the documented fraud in the republican primaries. The Neo-cons thought it was a foregone conclusion that a cup of coffee could have beaten Obama. Paul killed them in the debates, made them all look stupid and In my opinion, If the republican base would have stood behind Paul he would have gotten so much f the independents and stolen enough democrats to have taken Obama in a landslide.
There also was some sabotage of the Paul campaign from within during the primaries.

And yes 15% to 20% of republicans in support of RP can accurately translate to 8% in nationwide polls because there are ALOT more democrats than republicans. It takes full support of the republican base PLUS a 2/3 majority AT LEAST of the moderate independents to MATCH the democrats in an election.

And that's a pretty accurate statement because in national polls Paul supporters were polling at least 8%
And Paul having the high character he has and his supporters being attracted to that quality of character I predicted it as a foregone conclusion that Romney would fall short by at least 10% of the votes republicans could have have.
Essentially the republicans lost the election when they got caught cheating again in the primaries
I also noticed them fronting placeholder candidates to draw voters of a specific cut in the primaries to dilute support for the non establishment candidate.

In the 2008 primaries the top 3 candidates were John McCain, Mitt Romney, And Ron Paul.

Rudy Giuliani I think was the neo-con choice McCain being an unstable wild card who constantly contradicted himself but he couldn't get traction and he looked like a warmonger banker buddy.
Ron Paul in 2008 had a base representing maybe 5% to 8% of republicans and was polling stronger with democrats libertarians and independents but was making strong inroads into winning over the anti Mormon votes from the Romney haters and the anti neo-con votes from McCain haters.
Enter Mike Huckabee to suck up from Paul the anti Mormon votes and concede them to McCain when he lost...
And Fred Thompson to suck up the conservative anti- McCain voters.
Huckabee and Fred Thompson entering the election was "operation short circuit" to the Ron Paul campaign.
There was arguably enough anti mormon and anti neo-con support to push Paul out in front of both Romney and McCain
Huckabee and Thompson accomplished nothing in the 2008 primaries but to dilute any support for Paul from outside his base give the media time to assassinate the guy and then ask those people to vote for the wishy washy old glue horse.

In the 2012 elections Romney took 52% of the republican votes
Paul took 11%
Newt took 14%
Santorum took 20%

With Paul Santorum and Gingritch splitting the Anti-Romney vote it could be argued RP could have garnered 45% against Romney...the Cain percentages are not listed in the wiki I’m using so the numbers are fuzzy.

Herman Cain dropped out but I wouldn't regard him as a spoiler I believe he was all in it to win

Again they fielded a reluctant candidate in Rick Santorum to suck up the religious anti-Mormon and anti-homewrecker vote. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich were not even on the ballots in all the states and could not have won by any stretch of the imagination. they were just there to keep Ron Paul from looking like a favorable conservative alternative to Wishy Washy old liberal Mittens "the nick" Romney who's name could have been John Millikan less than a generation ago in another life.

I did accomplish one thing in this election
When Rick Santorum was wisely asked "If he won the primaries what his plans were to secure the libertarian Ron Paul supporters he is going to need to win against Obama what would you say to them?"
His response was "I don't care about them...who do you think you are that you think you should be allowed to live your life however you please?"
When I was younger my Mom a catholic told me "Lord help us if we ever get a fundamentalist christian in office"
Looking back at history there have probably been more violations of the constitution because some self righteous overzealous holy roller got a bunch of people all uppity for change yelling "there ought to be a law"...more injury to the constitution even than from commies and liberals.

So anyway i thought about it and coined the phrase "Rick Santorum is not a conservative, he's a christian liberal and a progressive Theocrat"...
Then I spammed the internet over a 24 hour period with a link to the video of Santorum saying "who do you think you are to live your own life" and finished off with "Rick Santorum is not a conservative, he's a christian liberal and a progressive Theocrat" and you know what?
Ron Paul quoted me...not directly by name but in a speech the next day he said exactly the same thing
and other people did too.

I have done this with other catchy phrases and out of circulation vernacular. i can tell it's mine by how it is being used because I can identify my ideas when I know they are original and I research to see if they are being used before I promote them.
I'm becoming a pretty good wordsmith but this kind of propaganda only works:
1)when it's true
2)when it's interesting
3)when it gives people a way to say something that no one is using or has thought of yet.

new ideas coupled with timeless truths and catchy new applications of forgotten vernacular is a powerful combo.
I spent a couple days arguing with Atheists on a single You Tube channel and observed a change in the vernacular and ideas the people were using to express their opinions.
I don't believe you can use this intellectual sort of propaganda to brainwash people but I do believe it is an effective tool you can use to draw someone to a consensus where your differences meet.
If you can control the dialogue you can control the agenda.
with intellectuals I wouldn't say it's a control mechanism but more of a nudge back to the table.
the proverbial carrot on a stick
I love to sell, when I have something to sell I can believe in...not cheaper car insurance or diners club cards
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the president was announced BEFORE folks were done voting here!
what a mess...
i guess my vote really is worthless.
the president was announced BEFORE folks were done voting here!
what a mess...
i guess my vote really is worthless.

Delphi Process Billy your votes not worthless it convinced everyone we all lost fair and square... just as they planned [ddd or so it seems.

It wasn't Romney that was cheating in the primaries but when the party otself got caught cheating again like it did in 2008 probably somewhere between 10%-20% of republicans decided to sit this one out or vote third party.
teh 3rd party libertarian guy probably also dragged a few votes from the Dems who would have wanted to legalize pot but otherwise I do not think the independants voted much for him.
The whole legalize drugs thing is where I can't call myself a member of the libertarian party. I'm a conservative libertarian, not a liberal libertarian. besides i think the libertarian party has make compromises to include liberals and anarchists which totally turns me off.

Hobbs said (about 100 years before our war for independence) that "individuals must surrender liberties to form a social contract..."

But that doesn't set well with me because when we kicked the king back to England we voided the "divine right of kings".
We reclaimed for the individual our aboriginal sovereignty/authority that our ancestors had surrendered to kings.
And when we formed a government to secure this recaptured liberty, We chartered it under the constitution and established a new body of law not to protect government and rule over the people... but to protect the people and rule over government...
We totally inverted the relationship between the individual and institution that was prevalent throughout the world prior to 1776 and still to this day can only be found here.

In this constitution there is no mention of our authority being surrendered. it is dictated throughout the constitution that we granted government Powers. limited and revokable powers...but not authority.
And the writers of the constitution were very careful in their choice of words not even authoring the constitution themselves but writing it as ghost writers in the name of We The People and under our authority forever instituting our individual authority over our own lives.

But where do I end and we begin?
If liberties are granted by God then they simply are liberties in common because Gid says so
But to humor the Atheist...
it can be argued by definition...
That if all liberties are defined as the freedom to do anything you are capable of...
Then liberties can further be defined as either "liberties in common" or "peculiar liberies"

liberties in common we regard as "rights"- equal rights
peculiar liberties would be those which infringe on those we all share.
an unusual liberty one person might enjoy such as inheriting wealth is still a liberty in common in that anyone has the right to inherit wealth. so it remains a right even if all people do not have the opportunity of circumstance to enjoy that right.

Peculiar liberties more-so regard those which infringe the rights of others...
Sanctioned peculiar liberties are those restricted to licensees of privilege. They are not rights but are lawful even if wrong.
unsanctioned liberties we usually address with legislation and deem them to be crimes against the individual rights we share.

so whether your a christian, or an atheist it can be argued from different schools of thought that we all share liberties in common as rights and that these rights do not come from government.

So back to my quote from Hobbs...
And you can quote me on this...please's one of my originals...

"I disagree with Hobbs in that when we instituted our government through the constitution, the way we did it...we did not surrender our liberties in common, our rights but instead we exercised them and reserved them.
If the source of the power that government holds is from the people, out of the authority of the people...
Then this government cannot lawfully be empowered with any privilege that an individual would not lawfully enjoy as an individual right (in common) in the absence of this institution.
while a person may have the right to defend his life,family and property from infringement or loss with deadly force he does not have the liberty to kill without a crime having been initiated.
So from what authority does the government get the power to murder anyone it deems a threat prior to due process? Where is the authority of the people and our rights to challenge our accuser in court and to be innocent until proven guilty?"

"Peculiar liberties cannot be allowed to supersede our liberties in common or we cease to be a free and lawful nation."

let me coin another phrase
"This regime is 'off the reservation'"
Yaay, Florida FINALLY got done counting all the ballots !!!!!!! :rolleyes: Only took us a week longer than the rest of the country.

I am so proud of the officials of this State. :eek:

I picked this up on another site... I am not the author= Mike "Torch" Ederer

22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham

Michael Snyder
The American Dream [1]
November 14, 2012

After what we have seen this November, how is any American ever supposed to trust the integrity of our elections ever again? There were over 70,000 reports of voting problems on election day, and there are numerous eyewitnesses that claim that they saw voting machines change votes for one candidate to another candidate right in front of their eyes. In several of the swing states there were counties where the number of registered voters exceeded the total voting age population by a very wide margin. How in the world does that happen? Some of the vote totals that were reported in some of the most important swing states were completely and totally absurd, and yet we are just supposed to accept them on blind faith without ever being able to ask any questions. Of course the Romney campaign has already totally given up, so it isn’t as if there is any chance that the results of the presidential election could be overturned anyhow. But if massive election fraud did take place and nobody is held accountable, what kind of message will that send for the future? Will we ever be able to have faith in the integrity of our elections ever again?

The following are 22 signs that voter fraud is wildly out of control and the election was a sham…

#1 According to the Election Protection Coalition, voters across the United States reported more than 70,000 voting problems [2] by 5 PM Eastern time on election day.

#2 There were 59 voting divisions [3] in the city of Philadelphia where Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote. In those voting divisions, the combined vote total was 19,605 for Barack Obama and 0 for Mitt Romney.

#3 The overall voter turnout rate in Philadelphia was only about 60 percent [4]. But in the areas of Philadelphia where Republican poll watchers were illegally removed [5], the voter turnout rate was over 90% [6] and Obama received over 99% [6] of the vote. Officials in Philadelphia have already ruled out [7] an investigation.

#4 According to WND [8], one poll watcher in Pennsylvania actually claims that he witnessed voting machine software repeatedly switch votes from Mitt Romney to Barack Obama…

It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”

He said that happened in about 5 percent to 10 percent of the votes.

He said the changes appeared to have been made by a software program.

Ashcroft said the format for computer programming has a default status, and in this case it appeared to be designating a vote for Obama each time it went to default.

#5 Somehow Mitt Romney won 55 out of the 67 counties in the state of Pennsylvania [9] and still managed to lose the entire state by a wide margin because of the absurd vote totals that Obama ran up in the urban areas.

#6 Barack Obama received more than 98 percent of the vote [7] in 10 out of the 50 wards in the city of Chicago.

#7 Prior to the election, voters in the states of Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio [10] all reported that voting machines were switching their votes for Romney over to Obama.

#8 There were more than 50 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Mitt Romney received 2 votes or less [11].

#9 There were more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio where Barack Obama received more than 99 times the votes [11] that Mitt Romney did.

#10 Barack Obama also received more than 99% of the vote [12] in a number of very important precincts down in Broward County, Florida.

#11 Wood County, Ohio (which Obama won) has a voting age population of 98,213 [13], but somehow 106,258 [13] voters were registered to vote on election day.

#12 Ten counties in the swing state of Colorado have a voter registration rate of more than 100% [14].

#13 Barack Obama did not win in a single state [15] that absolutely requires a photo I.D. in order to vote.

#14 In Ohio, two election judges were caught [16] allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.

#15 Many Ohio voters that showed up at the polls on election day were surprised when they were informed that they had already voted [17].

#16 In fact, there were reports all over the nation [18] of people being unable to vote because records showed that they had already voted.

#17 According to U.S. Representative Allen West, there were numerous “voting irregularities [19]” in St. Lucie County, Florida on election day…

“The thing that spurred our curiosity in our race was the fact that at 1 o’clock in the morning on Election Night, all of a sudden there was a 4,000-vote swing that took me from being ahead to put the lead into my opponent’s hands.”

#18 In Wisconsin, there were allegations that Obama voters were actually being bussed in from out of state [20]…

The Democrats stationed a self described “BIG Chicago pro bono attorney” as one of their two observers at this small polling place. He remained at the polling place from 7:00 a.m. until well after 8:p.m. …..A high priced CHICAGO attorney, sitting in a Sheboygan WISCONSIN polling place, observing wards comprised of 1500 voters? …. WHY???
Why would someone from Chicago be observing in Sheboygan Wisconsin? And WHY at such a small polling place? Finally, isn’t it interesting that this would occur at the VERY polling place in which all of the above described events ALSO occurred? AGAIN WHY WOULD A CHICAGO ATTORNEY BE OBSERVING AN ELECTION POLLING PLACE WITH FEWER THAN 1500 VOTERS IN IT, IN SHEBOYGAN WISCONSIN? Of all the places where there has been suspected voting irregularities, and OUTRIGHT FRAUD throughout the ENTIRE United States, WHY HERE? WHY SHEBOYGAN? WHY THIS SMALL WARD?

This lawyer spent the day running in and out making, and taking calls, which coincidentally then coincided with influxes of groups of individuals by the van and bus loads, coming in to register, AND VOTE, using what appeared to be copied Allient energy bills. These individuals often did not have photo I.D.’s, could not remember their own addresses without looking at the paper, and became easily tripped, confused and annoyed when questioned.

Many of these same individuals, just so happened to be dressed in/wearing CHICAGO BEARS apparel, and whom openly discussed “catching busses back to Chicago” with each other, with poll workers, via their cell phones in the lobby area just outside the polling place, as well as in the parking lot, both before and AFTER registering and voting.

One woman was dressed head to toe in CHICAGO BEARS apparel including perfectly manicured BEARS fake fingernails!

She complained because registering was taking too long and she had to hurry up to catch her bus back to Chicago.

We have photos of these people in vehicles with plates from different states, photos of them leaving the polls, and other irregularities.

#19 Prior to election day, an Obama for America staffer was caught on video [21] trying to help someone register to vote in more than one state.

#20 It is being alleged that unions in Nevada have been registering illegal immigrants [22] and pressuring them to vote.

#21 According to [23], there was a systematic effort by the Obama campaign to suppress the military vote because they knew that most military votes would go against Obama…

Aiding Obama’s win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased [24] drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.

#22 According to the Naval Enlisted Reserve Association, it appears that thousands of military votes from this election will never be counted at all.
Wow...for not being a political rant.....

We sure started swing in that direction....:eek:... but....Thats what is great about this country....we can talk about this stuff without a FDR said, "the only thing we have to fear itself"...seems like fear is running rather rampant right now.....JMHO..this system has been like this for what?? a couple hundred years....anyway....don't want to drag on this debate as we all have our concerns about our government.....just thank God we can voice them freely....had some people outside the Post Office yesterday and today...had Obama signs with Hitler mustache and handing out impeachment hundreds of calls about how offended people were.....freedom of speech and freedom to assemble....constitutional rights.....nothing we can do but make sure it remains "peaceful"...
There are always sore losers in every election..........and ones who are happy as h***. :D Just the way things are.

It is simply time to put all that behind us and get on with the business of getting this country strong again financially and employment wise. All the belly aching does is slow down that process as it is counter productive.

With the recent election, I got curious about the reason for an electoral college. I had thought, the country, in it's infancy, needed it because of the vast distances and lack of communication. Then I read the reason why the founding fathers created it. They didn't trust the people to do the right thing. It was a way of correcting things if people voted the wrong person into office. It was interesting and a real eye opener.
With the recent election, I got curious about the reason for an electoral college. I had thought, the country, in it's infancy, needed it because of the vast distances and lack of communication. Then I read the reason why the founding fathers created it. They didn't trust the people to do the right thing. It was a way of correcting things if people voted the wrong person into office. It was interesting and a real eye opener.

I'm hoping they are paying close attention to the writing on the wall... I think they vote Dec 18th?

I would define politics as an endorsement of a particular candidate and make a distinction between that as different than a conversation about what's legal, what's right, and what's wrong.
I think those things transcend any political cult of personality or choice of representative.
I think that's pretty close to the IRS's interpretation of political speech regarding the taxability of 501-3c charities
From an outsiders point of view (I'm Australian) the great thing about living in a democracy is that all the various forms of democracy seem to work reasonably well.

People don't get lined up against brick walls if we dare criticize the leaders.
That is the bottom line, echnidna, we have the right to disagree with each other and nothing happens to us. In some countries we would be sitting in some cold, dark cell or dead for voicing our opinions. How lucky all of us are who live in a democracy.

The whole concept of the rule of law is that the government has no free range agency.
democratically we determine the laws which rule over government but there are moral and common law restrictions restricting these.

Essentially since we deposed our monarch and reclaimed the aboriginal individual authority our ancestors had long ago surrendered to kings we found ourselves without a government.
Without a government we still lived among peers with a necessity to institute rules of order subject to peer review so we could live in relative peace and security.
Without a formal government we were in danger of a foreign authority stealing from us our individual authority as free men or from a domestic institution infringing our authority and enslaving us as subjects.

So we invented something new.
Prior to this, and to this date throughout the world every system of law is structured such that the law:
"Rules over the people and protects government."

Since we had in 1776 deposed this exact system of law we invented a new body of law inverting the relationship between the individual and institution.
We created new law engineered to:
"Rule over government and protects the people."

This inversion of the relationship between the individual and institution is the seminal act of law from which all law under American Justice has developed

It is why American Justice is incompatible with the laws existing in the rest of the world.
It doesn't matter the subject of the foreign law or the purpose for the statute.. in the world the law rules over the person, the person is under the rule of law.
In America the government is under the rule of law and the person is under the protection of the law.

Laws in the world by the nature of this individual/institutional relationship are prejudiced in the favor of the government.
The individual exists at the pleasure of and receives any personal agency (rights) by consent of the many.
There is no freedom, the individual is a subject under the rule of law

American law is prejudiced in the interest of the individual.
The individual exists at the pleasure of God or Nature's laws and receives his personal agency as an intrinsic quality of his creation or being, rights in and of one's self...
And his liberties as an individual are not granted from, but instead may only be restricted by the consent of the many.
These restrictions (by the equal protection clause) must be universal for all persons who are not under the rule of law.

The American dream was never about a home and a great job and free health care and a high standard of living for everyone...
These are all side effects of something else.
Liberty is the engine of wealth, free agency.

Prior to end of WWII with our transcendence from an agrarian society to an industrialized one... the US was a third world nation.

If you have ever wondered why in our past people would leave behind their fortunes, their estates, their friends and family to become poor and homeless in a foreign land... This is it.
This is the reason which has been forgotten.
This is why we were great and why we are in decline.

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