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A *real* tin magnet
Dec 10, 2007
Black Hills South Dakota
Any of you like to pick berrys? Last week my #2 sis and I picked buffalo berrys and she is making wine. Week before that I picked a bucket of chokecherrys and my ma made me a batch of syrup and jelly. Today all three of my sisters and I went picking wild grapes and got about 20 gallons plus a couple gallons of wild plums. If you have never done it, it is great therapy, you can forget all your cares.
When I was young, my grandmother in Kentucky used to send me out to pick blackberrys with my aunts. I think I ate more than I turned in. Then she would make pies and preserves and such.

Your post reminded me about something she used to make, tomato preserves. Sounds gross I know but it tasted great on toast or biscuits. It didn't really taste like tomatos, it was sweet like jelly. I can't even find anybody that's heard of it now.
Wow, you guys are a bunch of hicks. I thought jelly came mixed with peanut butter from the store. Naw, I am just funnin with you. I too was raised on the weird, odd colored, sometimes un-identifiable, gooey textured, multi colored contents of Ball jars that had been cooked and steamed and re used a dozen times or more. Can't beat it.
ya i just got lucky too i grew up eating home made jellys and jams that my mom and gandma made and last summer my mom taught my wife how to make them the olny problem was there wernt many choke cherries left on the bushes when we got back for a secound round of picking thats allright tho still have some jar of jelly left over and i was tired of the house being so darn hot from the stove going forever
Tomatoe preserves, just polished off a jar my sister made and started in on a jar my brother sent me, green tho. Tastes nothing like tomatoes. I even remember green tomatoe pie.
I've been eating mostly from the garden every day. Green beans, taters, onions, corn, bell peppers, cucumbers, several kinds of squash, tomatoes, beets. Plus I have an herb garden too.
I've got my freezer full of green beans and corn.
I spent summers on my grandparents turkey farm. We picked wild blueberries and mushrooms every year. My grandpa was the only one who could identify mushrooms and pick out the poisonous ones. I asked him how he knew the difference and he said he just knew. I loved the mushrooms fried in butter and carraway seed, but was always worried it might be my last meal.
My aunt in Valdez, Alaska would carry firecrackers in the pockets of her apron when berry picking. she used them when bears got too close.
Back in the day, up on the farm in N.Y. my Mom would have us pick Elderberrys , Dandelions and black & red Rasberries . She would make some "Killer wine outta the first 2, and Jam from the rasberries....Mmmmm good stuff.! The wine after it aged about 8 -10 years in the dark corners of the pump room, would lite you up...!:D
We go to Grand Junction Michigan every summer and stay at my cousins resort for a long weekend. We go to this Blueberry farm down the road and pick them with our kids. The following morning we all sit down for a blueberry pancake breakfast. It sounds dumb but I look forward to those simple times with the 18 of us hanging out each year.
I spent summers on my grandparents turkey farm. We picked wild blueberries and mushrooms every year. My grandpa was the only one who could identify mushrooms and pick out the poisonous ones. I asked him how he knew the difference and he said he just knew. I loved the mushrooms fried in butter and carraway seed, but was always worried it might be my last meal.
My aunt in Valdez, Alaska would carry firecrackers in the pockets of her apron when berry picking. she used them when bears got too close.

bob, 16 years in Alaska, berry pickers paradise. We usually had 10-15 gallons of blueberrys in the freezer. I carried a sawed off Mossberg for bears, never ran into any bears while picking though, doubt if firecrackers would turn one, I had shot my 12 gauge right over the head of a blackie from about 100 feet and he didn't even flinch, but a load of #8 shot in the rear sent him packin'lol. For brown bears it was loaded slug, slug, slug, 00, 00.

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