Love those dogs Sno... used to have a male, to smart for his own good...
62 looks good too....wax on wax off....
I've been a little distant lately...we had a tree behind the house get hit by lightning a few weeks ago, took out all our internet service, half our satellite TV equipment and some random pieces around the house! Our internet service is sketchy here at best, I have a cat5 cable buried that runs near the tree, the bolt must have gone underground via tree roots, and then came in the house by that cable.
Were you quoting George Carlen's famous line? "Men are stupid, and women are crazy. Women are crazy, because men are stupid."Working the point of self destruction isn't so good. But in your case there was a pressing need. Take it easy and heal up, smalls.
All the up and down of building the floor in the Renault resulted in sore knees. Like smallfoot, I kept going. The left knee was the sorest so I favored the right leg. Now that has been aching for a week. And, I've got umpty hump million leaves to blow out of my overtreed yard. Snow due in a few days so not much time. Been working as the pain allows.
Got myself banned on Facebook. All I said is women are crazy. I hope I don't get banned here for that.
So this weekend I wrote a poem.
Skip, I was misquoting a song title: God is great, beer is good, people are crazy. Changed it to women are crazy.
Bet if I said men are crazy I wouldn't have been banned.
Been banned a few times for simple stuff like that. Trying to get around their algorithms.[ddd