What Did Ya Get Done This Weekend?

Rat Rods Rule

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I finally got the trans working right in the Rambler. The so call Certified Restoration mechanic that built the car. LOL. Put the trans together and never adjusted the band and never set the lock nut on the modular. Here the modular was screwing itself out as I was driving it. Adjusted the bands and set the Modular and now the trans work great.

Also went to a local show on Sunday. It was to raise money for a Vietnam War Memorial at the local high school.
Today I worked on my 27. I've decided to race it at the Billetproof Drags on Oct 23rd. I borrowed the slicks off of my rpu project and bolted them on. Traction is still marginal, but I will have to play with air pressure when I get there. :D



Thanks, BH. I am really excited about going down the strip again. Last time I was on a dragstrip was in about 1978. :) I think the rules are about the same, point and step on the gas HARD. :D

Looking good guys....neat ride Fuzz. Yep Don, the rules are still the same!:D good luck and let us know how it ran...cr
I rode my Harley with a few freinds up to the Cruise to the Woods in Ft. Dodge, IA. Biggest in state cruise to all end up at a good size car show.

Various nice cars, a few Rats, Traditional, Muscle cars etc.

Most interesting thing of the day was when we were getting ready to leave and the cars were pulling out one after another with a few doing burnouts as the local Sheriff was directing traffic...lol
Then a nice 35 Ford Street Rod lit up his tires, went sideways, over corrected, locked up the brakes as a second series 56 or so Chevy truck was coming right at him. The 56 got it stopped and with the brakes still locked up on the 35 he slid into a shallow ditch and into the fairgrounds fence about 3 ft. The driver took about 10 seconds to decide to hightail it out of there with a bunch of new scratches and a wad of grass in his tail pipe from exiting.

I'm guessing he had a fluid leak in his pants...
I am 1/2 way into a honey do list. Friday was a tough day with my mid term PT test which I crushed. benched 225lbs, 42 sit ups, 44 pushups, and ran the 1 1/2 miles in 10:15. Put me in the top 1/3 of my class.

Oh and I am 40 years old and most of my class is about 24-27!

Then we did 2 hours of MMA ground fighting techniques right after so I am beat up, sore, and don't have time to work on any hot rods.....[S Life is still good!
We have been moving our shop all week, well half of it anyway. Don decided he needed more room for his 3 projects and 1 finished T bucket, so he rented the empty shop next door to ours. We effectively doubled our space to about 4,000 sq ft and were able to clean out stuff we had stored in 3 10 x 20 storage buildings. But I am one sore and tired puppy at this point. :eek:

So now we have Don's Capri drag car back in his shop and we moved Dan's VW bug project to our side. It all looked so empty when we started but sure filled up quick.

Spent the weekend moving things from the storage shed to the garage. Soon the wife will have her gardening shed all to herself. [cl
I spent last night removing the grille shell, headlights, and some other stuff off of my 27 so I could remove the radiator. When I drove it the other day there was a small leak out of the top tank and I didn't want to be dumping coolant on the race track at the Billetproof drags this coming weekend. I dropped it off at a radiator shop this morning and should be able to pick it up tomorrow. It is a 20+ year old Brassworks custom made radiator so it is no sin that it is getting tired. When I get some money ahead I am going to order an aluminum one from PRC to replace it.

I also adjusted all the valves and tightened down all the suspension bolts, I figure at 300 mph I don't want anything coming off. :D (Hey, a guy can dream, can't he? :D) I sure hope this cold/rainy front goes through before next Sunday. I also bought a racing helmet from Summit. It is VERY strange to wear one and I have been wearing it around the house to get used to it.........the cats are freaking out, they think I am from outer space. :D

Well....after a nearly two month hiatus,

or at least not working on anything in the barn...I finally got the roof back together....just a filler section in the front and a short filler in the middle and that's done....(short of the dreaded "BODY WORK") ....

I'll post some addition pics in the build thread.... if it hadn't been the fact it was raining in the morning..I would have been working on the patio redo.... thank you Lord for the rain.... has been too wet to do anything on that....the list of Honey do's is dwindling..... thank you Lord....whoops...shouldn't have said that.... :eek: shhhh..don't tell the wife!...I'm sure she'll think of other things.....


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I finally got my new heater install in the garage and not any to soon.
Its been in the low 40s.
Here is the heater and the cover I put over the old chimminey hole.


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I worked on my 66 Chevy pickup I bought 5 days ago :)
The fellas son drove it thru a ditch and a barbed wire fence which bent the frame up in the front before I got it :(
I put it on my 2 post lift and commenced to straighten the frame, boy does it drive better :D
The rearend was bad so I rebuilt the 12 bolt that's in it and I switched out the 3.73's to 3.08's, the 3.73's were way too low with 28" tall tires and a 250 six :D

Thought I'd put some pics up of the before and after frame straightening :)



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Today (Sunday, Oct 23) I shuffled junk once again to make room for the project to be pushed into the shop, finally.


P.S. I have way too much stuff...

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