jack of all
well i currently build, devices for trailer queens owners to hauler their queens on, harley mech by trade, build cars on the side, missionary when i can,, music when a door gets open, (play Guitar in a gospel blues rockabilly band.)rest of the time, i am a advice conseller to people who need Jesus Christ and change of life space and mind,, built bikes for money i came to dislike folks who road bikes,m build cars for public same thing happen,, build car trailers for money ,, easy job,do missioanry work, cause i love it, tell people about Jesus cause i am free and aint got to bow to no one anymore,, and i love to tell people they can be the same way too,
dont get me wrong still love bikes and old cars and people who reall understand the love of it , but just cause you got one doesnt make you special, just makes ya blessed,, many people dream and never get that stuff, and many got the stuff cause the just got money,, but the real folks dream the dream and live it cause, its a way of life, not a social click