you're probably a rat rodder if:
-Your wife dreads when you take Sunday drives in the country, cuz she fears what you'll find.
-a guy at a car show says "your cars a piece of crap!" and you reply"Thank you, so is yours."
-You can fix every appliance in your house with a cresent wrench and channel locks.
-your idea of spending time with the kids is picking up pieces that fell off a mile back.
-after a night on the town, you wake up with "Killer" the junkyard dog next to you in bed.
-you think the best cure for the common cold is a bottle of dayquil and a sixer of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
-your wife thinks shes punishing you by kicking you out, and you end up in the garage.
-you pretend the car is broke so you can go out to the garage to get away from the inlaws.
-you hate doing body work
-the best date you ever had was at a swap meet