Stop smoking!!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Crusty Rusty Old Rat Rodder!
Jan 27, 2010
harrodsburg ky
This thread is for all you young guys who smoke(we old guys never listen to anyone). Not looking for sympathy but i'm going into the hospital to have a small tumor about the size of a marble removed from my right lung tomorrow. I have been a pack a day smoker for 51 years, have a stint in my heart, COPD, emphysema, crappy circulation and other small problems. All of these problems have been caused by smoking.
All of you young smokers need to quit, if not for yourself, do it for your family. As you can see lung cancer is not the only thing you have to worry about, smoking causes a myriad of different problems.
Be checking back within a couple of weeks.....
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Hey Bruno,
Good heart felt advice. I hope they listen.
I quit 38 yrs ago come March 24th, my oldest sons birthday.

Smoking is a devastating, life threatening addiction.
Bruno, sorry to hear of your medical problems and wish you well on the procedure. We will be thinking about you.

One of the problems with we humans is that we think we are invincable and bad things can't happen to us. Whenever I see someone smoking, especially a young kid, I cringe. If they only knew what their future was going to be like. :(

This news about the harm cigarettes do isn't a recent revelation, I remember 60 years ago my Dad and his friends referring to cigarattes as coffin nails, but they still smoked and it killed a lot of them (my Dad too, at 47) I saw my Uncle die a very slow, painful death with throat cancer and my own Dad frustrated because he couldn't even go out and throw a baseball with me because he would get chest pains.

I think because of that I never touched one and thank God my Sons never have either. I live for the day when cigarettes are as obsolete as the snuff people used to shove up their noses in the old days.

Good luck Bruno, Its been almost 2 years since i quit after i had a heart cath done. they said it was a wake up call so i quit using the chantix.
Bruno, good luck to you, hope all goes well.

I don't smoke, never did. I have to wonder about all this welding smoke, it can't be good either.
Hope all goes well for you Bruno........and your advice might just be what someone needs to help them kick the habit. Thanks for posting this heart felt plea for your fellow Rat Rodders. :cool:
good luck bruno. i quit when i was 27 and stayed quit almost 20 years, smoked for three years and have now been quit three years again. i'll never use a cigar to lite fireworks for the grandkids again.
It must be a really addictive habit because I know so many strong people who can't kick it. My ex wife is one of them. When we started dating about 45 years ago she would occasionally have a cigarette only when we were at a nightclub and she would have one with her drink. Then it progressively got worse over the years, and at one point she actually quit for 3 years. While she was trying to quit I have seen her go out and dig through the car ashtray, looking for a butt to smoke. She is now back up to a pack a day or more............and she is a nurse who should know better.

In later years, when I would go to the retirement home with my then girlfriend to see her mom, all these old ladies would come out on the porch, dragging their oxygen tanks. As soon as they sat down the mask would come off and they would light up a cigarette ! :eek: Even though the thing that had taken their ability to breathe was cigarettes they still couldn't stop using them. Very sad. :(

My hat is off to anyone who has been strong enough to quit. You have done yourself and your family a huge favor.

Get in there and get fixed.
I quit around 1980 and stayed true the course.
Your advice is sound and all need to take heed.
Let us know how it goes and see ya on the recovery side Brother.
don i really believe it is harder for a woman to quit smoking then it is for a man to. my wife was told to quit by her doctor and was told she is on her way to copd, but she just can't lay them down.
Bruno, I sincerely hope all turns out well. SMOKING KILLS PERIOD! I gave up cigarettes when my middle boy turned 1 years old. 21 years later I have never regretted quitting. I watch people I have known my whole life suffering and dieing from the various issues connected with smoking.

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