I've used basically the same stuff but a different brand down here before. It was in a modern car stereo install though. I'm honestly not sure if it helped that much in that particular case and the car wasn't all that noisy to start with. It did make my car smell very strongly of roofing tar for a few weeks though! The smell completely disappeared after awhile though. I should try some in my doors in my Willys and see if it helps.
Lookin good. Any particular reason you put your tank at the back of the bed rather than the front?
One of the items the Vehicle Inspector was concerned with was the fuel tank being at the the back of the box, my fix for that was to build a rear bumper using a piece of 2"drill pipe and a couple of 1910 ish cultivator shanks. If it doesn't grow on me it will come off after the inspection.
Then I built a couple lower door panels out of some salvaged aluminum from an old boat trailer fenders. Had to build a mold in a chunk of 3"x16"spruce to put the blisters in fo clearance on the door openers.
The top section of the door panels will be Red and black vinyl.
I dig the bumper and nice reuse on the boat trailer fenders. [cl
[P [P [P
Will the tailgate open ???[P
If you keep the bumper, loose the gate chains.
Improvise adapt and overcome [cl
I like the way you think.
Thanks Torchie
Not with out taking the two bolts out of the bumper, but there is really no reason to open the tailgate as the rear frame comes to within 8" of the top.
Why do you suggest removing the chains?
Thanks soltz
Looking good Dozer. What was the concern about the fuel tank? Rear impact I take it?