The Rat Captain
looking good
"Cut-Weld-Grind" got to love it [
ya you got a have tunes ya [S
"Cut-Weld-Grind" got to love it [
ya you got a have tunes ya [S
I'm liking all but the chain drive steering.Looks kinda iffy to me, but that's just my two cents.....
looks much nicer cleaned up!
I would start with a stone to rough down the welds before using the flappers.. will allow your flappers to last longer as well as speed up the whole process.. just my $0.02
I used a stone on one side but it didn't leave it with a good surface so I switched to the flaps. I'm normally use forney discs and they last a lot longer than the dewalts but those are my only options in this town. What I need to do is buck up and get a 7" grinder and then it wouldn't take nearly as long. But thanks for the responses. I like it more cleaned up also. The rear is going to be hidden by the bed so I'm not touching that.