Well-known member
Hey guys, what do you think of my plan to cut the door? This is how I'm going to tip the tops.
I've been taking it easy lately. My torn Bicep tendon has really put a bind on production. But I'm going to give this a try in the next week or so.
What did Torchir call it when you just sit, look and plan in your head?
Mental Enginering gold. I have been doing that a lot lately.
I guess I don't understand what you are trying to do with the cut marks on the door.(Maybe it's just me....)
If you don't cut all the way across the door when you tip the top in the bottom of the widow opening will be at a different angle then the rest of the opening. Or am I missing something here[S
The reason I did mine the way that I did was to keep the entire top of the door/window frame intact. Not that my way is the best......
I am sure that what ever you do it will turn out great just like the top.