Yeah, Chip worked for Boyd some time ago and I understand there were some very hard feelings over his leaving. As for the business, it pretty much went away after his death. Employees found other jobs and the wheel division supposedly was going to be run by Boyds second Wife Jo. Don't know if that ever happened or not.
Dan the one fabricator opened his own shop and I heard he took some of the former employees with him like Abraham, the one painter. Boyds two Sons were trying to keep their Fathers name going by opening a business called Sons Of Boyd, or something like that. However, it was pretty much devoted to selling T shirts and memorabilia and not actually building cars, I think.
Boyd was on thin ice financially for years from what I hear. The TV show deal kept them floating for a while, but it sure didn't do anything to boost their image. It portrayed them as a bunch of screwups, IMO, and dealt more with the drama and stupid stuff than how cars go together. Every time Hollywood gets involved with a car business the results are pretty lame.
Bottom line though, when Boyd died unexpectedly it pretty much killed the business too because people wanted cars built by Boyd, not Boyds shop. At least that is how they perceived it, even though Boyd didn't turn wrenches personally.