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Rat Rods Rule

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I managed to finally get the power steering done. After building the mounting brackets and cleaning up the little pump, I could not find a single groove V-belt pulley for it. A pulley from an early model pollution pump probably would have been workable but, no such thing around anymore. The price of junk iron has really hurt us that are trying to find older stuff. Everything is gone to recycle. So, I had to take a 460 pump, from '79, and reconfigure it to mount on the lower passenger side instead of the upper drivers side. A "little" cutting and welding fixed that. Then I had to fab a return line fitting for the rack and pinion. The whole thing will most likely give me a big oil spill when it gets running.
I managed to find one steering u-joint at a steel salvage yard. Two bucks. Only need three more.
I have to get busy on the headers some day. Pipefitting is not my thing. That's all.


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I went to get the brake booster off a to be junked Escort, and wound up getting a bunch more. Not bad for a little computer repair when needed. (I like the bartering thing) I'm not going to use the steering column but, since it was in the way to get the pedals out, it got gone too. And the Escort has two u-joints on the steering. That was a good surprize. Now I only need one more. I've got to mount a couple of small carrier bearings on the steering shaft and brace to the frame. It's going to be tight going around the 429 but, it's do-able. I still haven't found a welder that will trade a little work to weld up my headers. Everything is cut and ready. There's got to be a welder around here with a broken computer or car not running. That's all. It's about 26° right now. That's 25 too low for going outside.


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I pretty much got the steering finished.(maybe). It doesn't look like a pro but, it'll work. It's made so I can take the shaft out fairly easy if I have to pull the valve cover.I'm going to stick the exhaust manifolds back on it and fire it up to check the "power" part of the power steering. The 429 needs to be run anyway. I guess I'll start on mounting the brake booster and MC next. I'm still waiting to find a welder that will barter or trade stuff, to do the headers. That's all for now.


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Well, it's not going good for the steering. I fired the 429 up, made sure the pump was full of fluid and tried to turn the steering wheel. It immediately jerked the wheel continuously left to right, very quickly, non stop. I killed the engine and checked everything out. All seems right. The check valve is still in the discharge of the pump and there is no restrictions in the lines. After trying a few times, I was about to give up, for the day, when the upper radiator hose come off and managed to soak my right leg pretty good. In all the looking and thinking, I forgot to turn on the radiator fan and it got a "little warm". My knee is a little red and tender. I'm just glad I had jeans on instead of my regular short pants. I walked around with my leg steaming for a couple of minutes. Wasn't funny at all.
If anybody has had any expierience with power sterring doing this sort of thing, please let me know. Maybe the early model "big" pump(79) isn't the right pressure or volume for the 88 model Escort rack and pinion. I've always mixed pumps and boxes without trouble but, I've never tried a rack and pinion.
But I did manage to pick a spot and make a plate for the brake booster and master cylinder. I'm giving it a break for a couple of days and catch up on some honey dos. Later.


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Maybe the spool valve/return?

Well, it's not going good for the steering. I fired the 429 up, made sure the pump was full of fluid and tried to turn the steering wheel. It immediately jerked the wheel continuously left to right, very quickly, non stop. I killed the engine and checked everything out. All seems right. The check valve is still in the discharge of the pump and there is no restrictions in the lines. After trying a few times, I was about to give up, for the day, when the upper radiator hose come off and managed to soak my right leg pretty good. In all the looking and thinking, I forgot to turn on the radiator fan and it got a "little warm". My knee is a little red and tender. I'm just glad I had jeans on instead of my regular short pants. I walked around with my leg steaming for a couple of minutes. Wasn't funny at all.
If anybody has had any expierience with power sterring doing this sort of thing, please let me know. Maybe the early model "big" pump(79) isn't the right pressure or volume for the 88 model Escort rack and pinion. I've always mixed pumps and boxes without trouble but, I've never tried a rack and pinion.
But I did manage to pick a spot and make a plate for the brake booster and master cylinder. I'm giving it a break for a couple of days and catch up on some honey dos. Later.

Not sure but I would think that the R&P probably has a lower bleed off.... return pressure / volumn than a standard box.. can you score a pump from the escort as well? Sounds like the spool is getting excessive pressure and can't bleed it off (return it) quick enough..... is the R&P new or used? Maybe the seals are leaking past the spool valve seals if it's a used rack...Just a thought or two.....
I was afraid the big pump was going to have too much volume for the r&p. I guess it's back to looking for a v-belt pulley for the Escort pump. :( Thanks.
I finally found a pulley, in the back of a salvage yard barn, mixed in with about a thousand others. I've been looking for the three bolt hub that I took off the pump. It's around somewhere. I remember picking it up off the floor and ...........????[S


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The reason I mentioned the used or new r&p

I finally found a pulley, in the back of a salvage yard barn, mixed in with about a thousand others. I've been looking for the three bolt hub that I took off the pump. It's around somewhere. I remember picking it up off the floor and ...........????[S

R&P's are notorious for leaky seals internally... if you remember back when they started using R&P steering, some of the R&P cars didn't have power assist if cold or would bind and act crazy when cold due to internal seal leakage then it would work well when warm and the fluid thinned out..... so if the rack is old, it just might not be any good..... new ones use different type of seal materials now.....
sgtpontiac, It's a re-man R&P from RockAuto. I've never had a problem with any of their rebuilt stuff, so, I figure like you said. Too much volume for it. The old pump is a 79 from a pickup so, it does have to pump a bunch more. I guess the passages just can't handle it. I'll get this little Escort pump on it and see what happens. I'm going in circles with this power steering. But I think I'm going to need it with the big block sitting up there. I may wind up with a different front axle and steering anyway. Thanks for your input. We'll see what happens if I ever find that pulley hub I put up for safekeeping.
Still messing with this power steering. I looked for days for the hub I lost and never have found it. So, back to the Escort to get the one off of it. After finally getting the pump off, I found it's the same big pump that came off the 79 truck. And of course the shaft is 3/4" instaed of 5/8".(means the hub is useless) So, I removed the relief valve, spring, fitting, and resevoir and swapped 'em out with the ones in the 79 pump. Maybe, just maybe, it will work now. I have it back on the 429 but need to re-do the return line and upgrade it to 5/8" hose instead of the 3/8". There's another half day having to make a fitting for the rack and pinion. Boy, I'm ready to move on to the next chapter of this book. That's all.


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I got that problem fixed. I posted in the suspension,ect. catagory and got some good advice from everybody. Seems the power steering hose catalog has the sizes listed backwards. I had the pressure and return backwards. It works good now. It's time to get on the master cylinder and all that mess now. Thanks.
It feels good to get a little done for a change. I finished cutting out the old "firewall" and found where to mount the brake pedal. Just some more fab work to do. Then a shaft to run over to the master cylinder. I put one of the Volvo leather seats in for size fit.(sittin on a piece of plywood since I don't have a floor yet.) It's OK but, I've got to get a smaller steering wheel. It's not real easy getting in and out. I'm 6'1" and about 275lbs. But, I've got to use these seats. Leather, forty eight thousand way adjustable, and heated. lol.


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Got most of the master cylinder linkage fabbed up and hanging where it goes. I've got to make some different bushings for the smaller shaft. When I tighten down on the current ones,(made from a Ford piston pin), they squeeze it and won't let the shaft turn. Maybe a couple of ¾" nuts. I used 1" on the other shaft. I'm starting to run low on miscellaneous junk to use. Really don't want to, nor have the $$ money to start buying things. Maybe I need to dig around in places I haven't looked at lately. That's all.


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Glad you got that squared away....

would never have thought about the hoses being switched..... would definately create a pressure issue... good work Junker..... hang in there.... maybe it's time to go "treasure hunting" at the local yard......
Yep. A buddy and I used to go "treasure hunting", every Saturday morning, back in the early 80's. We found all kinds of good stuff. Nowdays, what few yards are still around, won't let you just go out and look. There's one, about twenty miles from here, that will let you go look but, he clears the yard every month, for scrap. Not many treasures left down here. :(
Darn scrap prices are just too high

Yep. A buddy and I used to go "treasure hunting", every Saturday morning, back in the early 80's. We found all kinds of good stuff. Nowdays, what few yards are still around, won't let you just go out and look. There's one, about twenty miles from here, that will let you go look but, he clears the yard every month, for scrap. Not many treasures left down here. :(

Losing too many of the parts cars to the scrap... but I guess we've addressed that issue somewhere before.....

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