"Don't Know" Build start

Rat Rods Rule

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That WAS quite a job. But, I figured it was worth it because I'd be over cutting up the tree and hauling limbs, when it died. I just found out a few minutes ago that Unc was out on his farm cutting trees and layed one down on top of his wife. Broke her leg and ankle. And a concussion. I'll stay away from him and his chain saw.
I did get the license plate lights working. Had to take the whole assembly off and apart to clean it all up. It was still intact but just a little corroded from sitting in the moisture for 40 years.
I go back to work Monday so maybe I can catch up on bills and throw some cash at the driveshaft and windshield rubber. I only worked about twelve weeks last year and I'm hoping for about 52 weeks this year. It just ain't easy to land a good job at 57. That's all.
It's been a while but I'm still here. I've been working a pretty good demo job and it's not so easy for a not so young guy. But, it pays good. I'm just tired. I've been starting the 429 every other week and letting it warm up. I ordered the windshield rubber and door latch parts and got them yesterday. So, maybe I can get things rolling again. Been trying to swap bedrooms around and that hasn't been going well. Got a hospital bed for boss lady but need to get it set up in what is now my computer room. Just a whole lot of boxing up and moving stuff. It's a never ending deal. I've got to get out and work on the Ghia. This domesticated housework needs to go away. It's getting in the way of play time. Maybe I'll post some progress soon. The big local car show is coming up in a couple of months and I'd sure like to drive my creation to it. That's all.
I managed time to get the new door latches installed along with the rubber guides. The doors really close now. (and open) I've got to round up some help to try the windshield. It's been about twenty years since I did one but the I'm sure the technique will come back to me when I get started. Some good nylon string and windex for sure. I'll figure it out. It's a good heavy glass so maybe I won't break it. Later.
The windshield is a no-go for today. I went to cut the yard this morning and smoked something under the flywheel on my Snapper,(trying to hotwire it because the ignition switch is bad), the starter crapped out the Huskee, the transmission is torn up on the Yardman walk behind, and the pull rope came out of the Torro. I'm not going to try to install a windshield after having that kind of luck. Maybe next week end. I'm going to go take a nap. Hopefully that goes well. Later.
Dang, cutting grass already! And they are calling for freezing rain for us for tonight! Push some of that spring weather east !

As far as the glass, yes a strong about 3/8" rope and good soapy water will make it easy. A helper to keep pressure on the glass as it goes in is good, too. I have used WD40 on the gasket a time or two.
The windshield install went just great until the last minute. I got the rubber pulled in all around and that "just a little more push" got it. The crack just makes it a little more at home around here. My other two vehicles both have cracked windshields. I've cut some el cheapo carpet to glue to the dash if I ever find my contact cement. And a license plate will cover up the rusted piece under the left side of the windshield. I sure like having doors that close like they're made to. The little wedge and latch block were expensive but, that's something I didn't feel could be made easily. I'm still looking for headlight buckets. Those and the driveshaft are all that's left to do besides title work and insurance. Then, I can take a test drive. That's all.


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Well, as usual, not a lot getting done. I did find a local guy that does drive shafts. Will take mine to him Monday after work. And I put some patches over the rust under the windshield. At least, it'll keep the red wasps out. Still looking for headlight buckets. I might have to fab something up. I'm getting a headache thinking about that. That's all.


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I got the driveshaft to the shop today.(forgot yesterday) I had to break down and order some headlights. Speedway has some cheapies and we'll try them and see what happens. Maybe I'll have to take a day off work to do the title and get my DL renewed. (they want me to go in person for an eye test. That ought to be interesting) Things are looking up on the Ghia. Later.


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Got the headlights on and wired up. Now, the relay is not switching from hi to low beams. I'll dig around and find another one. The wipers deal wasn't much of a hassle. The local parts guys had a printer problem last week so, I fixed the printer in exchange for a set of wiper blades. Of course they aren't a direct replacement so I had to drill some holes and used some brass tacks to hold them on. Worked out pretty good considering. I found the contact cement and glued the carpet pieces down to the dash to cover up the see-through. About all that's left is the driveshaft. The ole boy that's doing it hasn't gotten to it yet. Well see what he gets done this coming week. It might need a trip into the big city to get done. That's all.


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The ole project reached a milestone today. I finally got the driveshaft back and got it installed. Six quarts of Type F and this thing actually moves under it's own power. I'm really really relieved that the trans works. That was my first automatic rebuild and there were some doubts about the outcome. I'll find out if it shifts out alright next week after insurance and title work. And maybe some kind of side pipe inserts. (it's really loud in there) And some major brake adjusting or something. It barely holds it own sitting in the driveway.:eek: That's all. Nap time right now.


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Things haven't worked out quite as planned around here. Going to the Texas DMV turned out to be a big circus. They are telling me, even though I have the signed over title, that I'm still going to have to do a bonded title. They cannot find the title on their computer system because of it's age. I'm not done with that yet. There's too many old cars being bought and sold to have every one of them do a bonded title. I'm thinking I'll go to a bigger DMV office and maybe someone there will know what to do. And on top of that, the county tax office lost my homestead exemption on my property and wanted to double the taxes. I got that straightened out and went to renew my drivers license. The DPS won't renew it because I lost my driving privileges in Virginia, back in '78. Even though I've had a Texas license since 1971, and have been getting it renewed all these years, I'm not supposed to drive here now, since I can't drive in Virginia. This has not been a good week doing any business with the government. I've just reinforced my very low opinion of the idiots we have working for us. Anyway, Hagerty Ins. called and informed me they can't insure the Ghia unless it is parked in a permanent lockable garage. Hurricane zone they say. That's about right. Then, my Toyota pickup hit 315,000 miles and the ole 5 speed has given it up. There's people turning around and looking for the racket they hear coming down the road. It's not a good sound at all.
But, I got the Ghia and moved it to the side yard and took a few pics. What you guys think, does it need some front fenders to kind of even it out? Just doesn't look right to me. That's all. I'm going to bed.


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Fenders might help, if you find something that'll flow enough o smooth out the front end without getting in the way of the headers. That's a cool ride!
Wow.. sounds like one of my weeks, but I'm glad you did make some progress.... hopefully all the things will fall into place.

I agree with you on fenders or something, maybe some side panels between the nosy and fire wall and leave the front tires open... that may connect the dots so to speak.

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