Hot Rod Poetry

Rat Rods Rule

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sigh, ive sat here musing the last few days
of youthful appearance no more grays
so it could be said im feeling a bit old
probably more surprised id say - be bold
that nearly 60 years gone down the track
some of you i know, that was a time back
as they you all know time speeds with age
reckon weve all heard that Grandmas sage.
a thing i could add to slow the time down
heard from them or read from wise ones downtown
try new things all the time, bucket list stuff
make sure you do get through that fluff
because when your small years are long,
because everything is a new untried song
we age and stuff becomes the norm
nothing bothers us like that old thunder storm ..
i have to say once i was told it was real
is " youre only old as the person you feel
missus crate is 4 years younger hooray
so its 56 now i must say id like that to stay.
but surprised i am at quick its arrived
things to do that ive never tried ...
so id better get a wriggle on or maybe a stagger
before i look like Richards or Jagger
I remember a time, not long ago really
Just out of high school, I was something to see.
Strong, lean, and tough, was the description of me.
I had visions and understanding on how life should be
Willing to work and fight to make it all be
Nothing on earth was going to detour me
I had things to do, places to be
I had my priorities, it was all about me
Found a cute little gal that wanted to follow me
With her by my side the me became we
The two together were still on target to be we.
With kids and cars and houses we
still followed my vision of what life should be.

Then one day, the entire story just changed!
That morning came and I couldn't move.
Hospitals, Doctors, and tests became the work of the day.
Lost my job and my career, everything I knew how to do
was something I could no longer do,
with a wife, 2 kids and a mortgage, what will I do?
Starting over at 34 was not in my original plan.
A few long years of discovery is what we went through.
My condition could be treated with medication
but how much and how often was the question,
and then how much physical work could I do?
Some days were bad, some days were good
we finally found a combination that worked

By then I knew how much physical work I could do
past experience applied, my own welding shop was what it would take.
At 38 I saw myself at 18 and thought real hard at the changes I needed to make.
One big thing was the family I'd ignored, I wouldn't be making that same mistake.
How I treated others was another change I had to make.
My view of life in general needed a whole remake.

I get the rare chance to look back again,
I turned 68 a few months ago.
I'm retired now, that welding shop thing worked out OK.
I heard an old song by Bob Seeker "Like a Rock"
That song could have been written for my first 20 years.
In the song are the words "20 years, man I don't know, 20 years, man where'd they go?"
For my, it was the last 30 years, and then the 20 before that.
50 years, man, where have they gone?
I can't answer where they went, but I can look back and see how I have done.
The first 16 of the first 20 were hard driven with little concern about anything but myself and my goals.
The last 4 years of that first 20 was a recalculation and a reset, beyond my control.
The last 30 was when I was working on those resets.
I don't believe I'm where I'm suppose to be yet, but I'm a whole lot closer then I was.

The 1st 1/2 may be considered a poem, the last 1/2 is my life.
Cool Car Gone.​

When I was young I had a very cool muscle car,

A Dodge Super Bee, more than I needed by far.

The bank owned some and wanted paid for it.

So I was running a loader down at the gravel pit.

I worked nights and couldn’t sleep well in the day

So I stood out in the camp yard taking in the fray.

Chomping gravel crusher, and some rushing trucks

Then one young fella’ looking like life really sucks.

He held a short driveshaft and U-joint in his hand

Under his cowboy hat his beaten face was so bland

He had a breakdown, a major problem to be solved

Now he had no ‘wheels’; it was time, I got involved.

I lent him my Super Bee and said, if you hurry to town

You’ll get it fixed quick and have less time you’re down.

Away he went and I felt good helping the young fella out.

I naively allotted him two hours because I knew his route.

Patience left when suppertime came and suppertime went

The guy who was a half stranger, had the car that I’d lent.

Hey, I think there was a name painted on his toolbox lid.

I ran to his truck, but, nonsense letters there, name still hid.

I went to work, not knowing, worrying all through the night.

What would I find in the morning, frustration or delight.

In the morning I rushed into camp to have a look around.

My cool car was there, his truck gone, just bare ground.

Afternoon, I flagged down Cliff, the guy with no last name.

Rode a couple of trips with him, and out the story came.

He got his parts into the shop and left to see the scenes

Cruising ‘round, he picked up a girl selling magazines.

She was terribly good looking, blond and scantily clad

He wasn’t into reading, so soon he let her out, how sad.

He got back to the shop in time to get his fixed up parts,

The end, NO, NO, this is where the rest of the story starts.

Anyhow, Cliff said, “Did you know, you had a leaky rad”,

I said “yes, I always topped it up, and it wasn’t that bad”.

He said, my brother in Beaverlodge can fix anything at all,

Especially rads, so I roared over there, and gave him a call.

The brothers took my rad and soldered shut that leaky hole,

It was a long drive back to his truck, but it’s good for his sole.

Back under his truck, he replaced the parts they had made,

He was proud of his fix and that fine kindness he’d repaid.

Cliff heaped a heartfelt thank you on me for making his day,

And for fixing my car, I was thankful, more than I could say.

This incident cemented the friendship of us two young guys,

We even exchanged names, and more truth and some lies.

Remember when Cliff was joy riding, awaiting his parts,

And I was fifty miles away, worrying, another story starts.

At that time another young guy was cruisin’ ‘round town

Saw my car and told his sister what he saw going down.

He said, there was a guy pickin’ up chicks in my Super Bee.

His sister was very upset ‘cause her new beau was me.

“He was wearing a big black hat just like your new guy,”

Said the pesky little brother, smirking,“ I cannot tell a lie.”

So finally I roared home to take my girl, out to the show,

But instead, learned a half baked story that I didn’t know.

I was accused of happily picking up chicks, in her loud vent.

I learned what cold shoulder and hot tongue, really meant.

Quite a bit of smoothing out had to be done, by me, now.

Calmness and conciliation were key to ending this row.

In a gentlemanly manner, I told the story from my side,

And hoped she would forget ‘n’ forgive me, before I died.

Time marches on and life’s lessons pile up high

So now more than fifty years have all gone by,

It was really good that I had cool wheels to lend

Cause I’ve still got the car, the girl, and the friend.
ok youse all you have seen my posts
of an errant Stude with its own ghosts
for most of this year poking and prodding
replacing parts my head a nodding
yeah thatll be it ive been heard to say
realising later that thing was fine anyway
three things happened in the last few days
one a large Christmas lunch lead me to think
i wonder some spark plugs could be on the blink
i checked them all cause the last ones i bought
came in a box with two resistor models i thought
breaking down under load i was thinking
removed all eight, checked them out sinking
- feeling out of sorts i replaced the resistance
and lo and behold... bah curse my existence
so today again replaced an old coil with brand new
of course the old problem followed it too
but then an epiphany yes it came to me today
yet another test drive slower than Santas sleigh
that not just one spark, maybe 4 were missing
and the strong smell of gas like it was 'pissing'
so off came the carb well just the top really
now i can see the cause really quite clearly
the whole float end for the needle and seat
filled, with grit from the tank like minced meat
ahhh i said while i cleaned out the grit
yes remember the trip to the beach hop
the maintenance done so the car wouldnt stop
so the one little thing i didnt replace
makes me go a little red in the face
yes you already know it new fuel line fitted
if i hadnt forgot the filter the carb wouldnt be gritted

in my own defence id like to add,
even if only so it seems less bad,
i d rekitted the carb with all new parts
mustve been using what was left of my smarts

so for the five dollar filter i shoulda bought
ive spent several hundred no wonder im short
too long in solving this unusual conundrum
and too much hurry i burned my own bum bum.....
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Gene and Mac and Crate, You're keeping the beat going. Who woulda thought we rat rodders could string a rhyme?

I'm with smallfoot. That was quite a saga wrestling with that rude Stude.

Gene, great reversal.

Cars and girls, Mac. Oh to be young again.

Sometimes when I can't sleep at night.
I go downstairs and turn on the desk light.
With the flick of the switch the computer lights up.
It is then I can fill my creative cup.
I sense movement outside my man cave window.
In the daytime it might be a hungry crow.
Standing in the moonlit winter snow.
Is Maggie, my favorite doe.
Maggie doesn't look chilled or forlorn.
Cuz she'd eating from a pan of cracked corn.
The old computer begins to whine.
I'll be looking for something comforting and sublime.
Punching keys without even thinking.
The modem lights are gaily blinking.
The computer is filled with bells, whistles and tools.
This time I end up at Rat Rod Rules.
When I want to have some nostalgic fun.
I open a thread that harkens back to Day One.
The mouse hits a spot and just my luck.
Opens a thread called, "Songs That Don't Suck."
The thread was started by a guy named Willowbilly.
He hailed from western Dakota where it is quite hilly.
Drove his roadster through the countryside.
Everyone recognized his homebuilt ride.
But many years before, I ask ya.
What would cause that young man to move to Alaska?
Maybe he was out of his mind.
I think he was just the adventurous kind.
Years later the Black Hills called.
And Willowbilly was enthralled.
To call call Dakota his final home.
Having had his fill of the roam
Willowbilly was artful but not rich.
He could make a sculpture from junk found in a ditch.
He might be found in a saloon throwing a dart.
Or in a field tearing a truck apart.
Then one day an uneasy feeling.
That might cause a weaker man to reeling.
As the pain and feeling grew.
Willowbilly knew.
He tried treatment for a while
But that wasn't his style.
Willowbilly went to another kingdom.
Where I'm sure they appreciate his wit and wisdom.
He left without much fanfare or fame.
I'm better for knowing him, his legacy will remain.
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i looked out my kitchen window tonight
oooh no i have to say a fearsome sight
was a young sparrow trying all his might
to sail above the fence, too young for flight
so i put on my rescue hat while tea brewed
and near to going out a little panic ensued,
locked the cat door , trod carefully not shoed
three times it took to handcuff the bloke
squeeziing gently so his bones did not broke
head stuck out of my fist, to his face i said
hey little guy ill save you from the dead
there are two errant cats and i named him Fred
so there was Fred sitting perfectly still
enjoying the ride a smile on his bill
we found a small gap in some underbrush sure
briefly he sat on my finger for 2 seconds or more
where Fred gazed from the shadowed safety
you know im quite sure he really did thank me

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