Sorry about the foot Bob....always something. I hate getting hurt these days cause it takes so long to heal..
I don't think I mentioned this but a few weeks ago I got up from my kitchen table chair with my laptop out in front of me, open, still reading. I tripped over the dog....she's 80 pounds and not moving so my right foot slides under her belly and I fall forward. My wife gets up from her side of the table and stops me from falling thru the slider which was nice, but I hyper extend my calf and it felt like someone shot me.
First thing I thought of was I tore my Achilles tendon. I'm like great, just what I need, surgery next month and now I'm gona need another surgery and another round of PT. Just finished PT with my 2nd shoulder. I hate to say it, but almost cried.....
So a week goes by and I'm still draging my leg. Figure I oughta go to my PC and get a script for a MRI or something. He walks in, takes one look at it and says...."Bob you gota get to the hospital right now!" I'm like.. WTF. He was worried that I had a blood clot. With the PE I had, and the fact that I have this Prothombin Gene Clotting disorder, I reluctantly go. I just missed the Radiologist Dept closing by 5 minutes so I had to go thru Emergency. Fifty people deep, coughing, sneezing, moaning gee wiz. I'm not sitting in here so I pull a chair into the hallway. (Yes, long story but hopefully amusing) I'm at the hospital for 8 hours.... yep 5:05pm to 1:00am. Normally I wouldn't stay but it could have been serious.
Xray, Sonogram, Long story clot! Thank God.
Few days later....leg pain goes away, went to a car show, did some walking all good. Yes? No!
My Divaticulitus acts up so my Gastro guy puts me on 2 antibiotics. I take them for 1 day. I get up from watching TV that eve and almost fall down. Again WTF!
An internet search shows: Levaquin can cause serious side effects, including tendon problems. I stopped and 2 days later the pain went away.
I know this sounds like a comedy skit. All good now....
Stay well fellas

Can't make this stuff up.