Managed to mess up the order of posting somehow. This post should be read before the last one.....

Of course it is too late now.
I had decided I'd wait until it was fully legal before I finished it, but I got fed up of waiting for paperwork , and there was supposed to be a big show in a couple of weeks, so I pulled it apart and broke out the spray gun. Couple of days with filler and sandpaper, not such a good idea rollering epoxy primer all over it two years ago, as it is rough as guts, and hard as nails.
I popped some holes in the side of the bed, I like holes.
Also got the seats covered, local guy, nice stiff foam etc. Not bad for about $50. Some things are cheaper in the turd world.
Tomorrow I hope to splosh on some bright hot rod red paint. I'm using acrylic, and never really having sprayed before, it is a very steep learning curve. First few attempts produced something akin to candy floss coming out of the gun, until I read you need to add 50% or more thinners.....
The finish looks okay, from a distance, but I know it ideally needs hours more filling and sanding to be full quality. Every time i fill and sand I think it looks okay, then I throw primer on and more holes/scratches appear.....
I'm not really
that bothered making it perfect, as I know it will be dinked and chipped within days of it being finished, such is the overcrowding in my shed.Anyway, I found a local paint shop that sold flake, but only red, and one size. We bought three grams of it, a mere pinch, to check it out, and that cost ten bucks alone!
Wife pointed out that it looked exactly like some red glitter we'd bought a while ago in National Bookstore. I broke out the powerful magnifying glass, had a real good look at this stuff, and it looks identical, even to the shape, colour and reflectiveness of the bits of of 'real flake'.
Then we asked questions why people don't just use glitter, and nobody really had any sort of an answer. Someone said it will melt in the clear coat, but it doesn't. Acrylic thinners doesn't touch it. We did some test pieces, using different mixes of glitters and clear coat.
Kinda hard to catch the glitter effect on camera, but we've done the whole car and it looks okay. Fingers crossed it doesn't fade, catch fire, turn into bobbles or anything else.
Just trying to bury the glitter in clear coat now, a coat at a time, very time consuming as I have to move everything around whenever I want to spray.