Here are my buddies, the first two are Sugar Ray, we lost him to cancer a while back but he’ll never be forgotten in our home. I didn’t have any digital pictures of him before his cancer, so that second picture is scanned, looks like I could use a lot better scanner. The first one was just a couple weeks after his cancer surgery. He had it twice, beat it the first round with the surgery but round two was too much, just 14 months after the 1st. In that first picture he has had a lot of his face reconstructed.
The white one is Casper, the brindle is Yzerman and the reverse brindle (dark one) is Pavel. Pavel is actually my daughters and they have moved away but we get to visit with him about once a week.
The cat just recently adopted us; she managed to wedge herself into the frame rail on my wife’s truck. (How do they always know whose truck to end up in?)
Lucky for her, she and the dogs get along great.