Well-known member
My Son Dan and I have two cats at home, Lucky and Chewy, who are best buddies. But we also have about 10 stray cats that we feed at our shop. They have been coming around every night and have gotten used to us so much a few of them walk right into the open garage door and knock something over to let you know they want fed.
We feel so sorry for these poor little guys, having to fend for themselves, so we make sure they get a lot of dry and wet food, milk, and even treats. One of them, Shmoo (we've named them all) has become our favorite, and he has some toys we keep in the shop for him so he can have a few hours of normal living while he plays in our shop. We'd love to adopt him, but two is all we are allowed to have at our apartment complex. Wish someone would adopt him, he's such a cool, sweet little cat.
Here are our two at home, when you see one you see the both of them as they are inseparable.
This is Mama Kitty, she is Shmoos mom, and we think she has another new litter somewhere because she was fat for a while, now she is thinner.
This is Shmoo, our favorite. He gets a very disappointed look on his face when we lock up the shop and go home every night.
This little cat came around only two nights and then never came back. She was evidently a house cat because she came right up to us and let us pet her. We don't know if she found her way back home or what, but we hope she is ok.
We feel so sorry for these poor little guys, having to fend for themselves, so we make sure they get a lot of dry and wet food, milk, and even treats. One of them, Shmoo (we've named them all) has become our favorite, and he has some toys we keep in the shop for him so he can have a few hours of normal living while he plays in our shop. We'd love to adopt him, but two is all we are allowed to have at our apartment complex. Wish someone would adopt him, he's such a cool, sweet little cat.
Here are our two at home, when you see one you see the both of them as they are inseparable.

This is Mama Kitty, she is Shmoos mom, and we think she has another new litter somewhere because she was fat for a while, now she is thinner.

This is Shmoo, our favorite. He gets a very disappointed look on his face when we lock up the shop and go home every night.

This little cat came around only two nights and then never came back. She was evidently a house cat because she came right up to us and let us pet her. We don't know if she found her way back home or what, but we hope she is ok.