School Shooting , just sick

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2012
Tyronza, AR
As my one of my daughter sits in her kindergarten class today, a gunman took the lives of 20 kindergartners and 6 adults. It just sickens me to read this and listen to this. I send out prayers to all the families involved in the horrific tragedy.
A ton of sick people out there.....

More of this crap is going to happen until we start to go back to the moral and ethical values that were in place ....too much killing and stuff on TV, movies and video games.....people desensitized to violence...not that it's the only's also the decay in family values and value of life.....not sure what the cure is.....just know things need to change....
This is the worst thing anyone could ever imagine.

Those poor kids...that's right, KIDS. This day will forever change them, and their innocence is lost forever.

That's not right.
You can only pray for the parents and families of

This is the worst thing anyone could ever imagine.

Those poor kids...that's right, KIDS. This day will forever change them, and their innocence is lost forever.

That's not right.

The kids and adults who were killed.....what a waste.....and what a waste of flesh that guy is....glad he bought it.....even that isn't enough for a scum like po'd at your family, but why take out innocents...??? No sense....absolutely no sense....I pray for the families...I pray for the innocent souls and I pray that clown burns in he!!.....sorry, not very Christian but forgiving for that idiot's soul...not by me.....
It's estimated that 1 percent of the U.S. population are psychopaths. That is 311,000 people. As the population grows, even if the percentage stays the same, there are more and more people capable of committing such evil mayhem.

Ever since I was a little kid and learned about the Nazi death camps I realized that human beings are capable of unspeakable evil. And I believe I have suffered a level of despondency all my life knowing this truth.

All this is trivial compared to the loss of young lives and the lives of their educators. The life long visions so many young witnesses and parents of the living and the dead will face. The psychological and emotional damage that could change the direction of the rest of their lives. What a waste.

One evil person did all that.
Those children were innocent babies. I am very mad, very sad and sickened by this. If there really is a loving & kind God, why did this happen? This is the kind of stuff that shakes my belief.
I couldnt believe it when I heard the news. Sickening. My son teaches 3rd grade, and my daughter was a senior at VA Tech when the massacre happened there. I think that event damaged her permanently and I am afraid how today's news hit her. Kind of hard to deal with for different reasons. This is surreal and has to stop. My heart goes out to the parents and families of the victims.
I posted on my Facebook earlier...

It makes me wonder what can happen in a persons life that can drive them to do something like this. Is it mental illness, drugs, or some kind of abuse? I've been thru a lot of things in my life but can't imagine what it would take for someone to do such a thing.
There is a course of life.....

Those children were innocent babies. I am very mad, very sad and sickened by this. If there really is a loving & kind God, why did this happen? This is the kind of stuff that shakes my belief.

God doesn't let bad things happen....people make bad things happen....why do some die and not others? Course of life....why do people do this stuff...that is the real question...Most "bad" things which happen do so because God gives a radical freedom to God's people; we are free people, not puppets on a string. But God does not cause "bad" things to happen. God loves us and grieves with us in our pain when "bad things" happen.

Therefore, we might best respond by saying that God does not Will "bad" things to happen in life. Rather, "bad" things happen in the freedom that comes with the gift of life. When "bad" things happen to any of God's children, God is grieved and suffers with us JMHO
I'll beg to differ and stay silent but will send condolences to all the parents mourning their babies.
Any life lost is a waste but children are our future and in this case too young and defenceless to be a threat to anyone.
I can not even begin to imagine the pain the families of the children and school teachers are going through at this moment. My brain can't get around how something like this can happen or why it happened.

What have we become ? We sure are leaving a hell of a world for our children to inherit. :( At least this sicko saved the families the horror of having to face him at the trial, unlike that idiot from the Colorado movie shootings. Those poor familiies will have to relive their horror and pain and watch that piece of garbage being defended and trying to get off by claiming insanity.:mad:

Anyone who is a parent, like me, knows something like this is our very worst nightmare.

May the rest in peace and may their families find comfort.

I have lost a child so this hits home for me in a bad way, so I must vent a little. My heart goes out to the children of this tragedy and also to the children around the world that suffer at the hands of the unjust and godless tyrants. We must stop letting greed and corruption from being a acceptable behavior and not let these people be rewarded for wrong doings. We are living in a world that teaches our young that it is ok to do bad things and treat people like dirt just as long as you can make a buck doing it or gain a little fame. We must bring back justice and accountability for bad behavior, and stop letting these types of people walk the earth unchecked. These type people are sick, they have no conscience, moral values or direction in life. Our system teaches that the most that will ever happen to you is we will lock you up and that is it. The problem lies in the fact that some people worship the fact of being locked up, it is a badge of honor and this will gain you respect. I was young once and did my share of foolish and stupid things and took my punishment and wore it like a badge of shame. I took the experience and made myself a better person because I learned humility.
Terrible tragedy for sure....every christmas from now on will be a nightmare memory for those parents. I'm hopeful that immediately after the shooter killed himself that he caught they express train straight to hell where he belongs!
God doesn't let bad things happen....people make bad things happen....why do some die and not others? Course of life....why do people do this stuff...that is the real question...Most "bad" things which happen do so because God gives a radical freedom to God's people; we are free people, not puppets on a string. But God does not cause "bad" things to happen. God loves us and grieves with us in our pain when "bad things" happen.

Therefore, we might best respond by saying that God does not Will "bad" things to happen in life. Rather, "bad" things happen in the freedom that comes with the gift of life. When "bad" things happen to any of God's children, God is grieved and suffers with us JMHO

Thanks Sarge, that helps some. I appreciate you taking the time to help me understand this and put some perspective on it.
My wife is a school teacher and I have 2 daughters. I would be at a total loss if anything ever happened to one of them.
I think a big part of these things happening are the video games and other computer activities kids are doing nowadays. I see these video games they are advertising on TV and they are all about blowing up things and shooting the enemy. It has to desensitize the kids who play them to think that shooting another human is just like shooting a virtual image on the screen.

We played cowboys and indians when we were kids with our cap guns, but we knew it was just playing. I'm not so sure that the realism the creators of these new video games have built into them doesn't make certain disturbed kids start thinking this is ok to do in real life. Plus, the kids playing them are isolated from the real world while their faces are glued to the monitor.

Very sad situation. :(

Sick and wrong! I can't imagine losing my daughter or my wife. I shudder to think how to cope with that kind of loss. I pray for all those affected. What is the world coming to? It makes me very sad for future generations.
Very sad. I'm not smart enough to offer a solution or even a reason, but I think that I will start carrying my pocket pistol with me just in case I'm somewhere something like this happens. Maybe I could stop it before it got too bad. Let's all pray for the victims families.
I have 5 kids, and one grand daughter. My 16 year old is home schooled and dont think we have not considered home schooling the other 3 that are still at home. I just read up on the Jonesboro AR shooting that happened in 1998. Those kids were released on there 21st birthdays with no criminal record attached.

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