School Shooting , just sick

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Come now! Really, guns are not the isssue??? Are you serious? Look, unless you face the facts and have some kind of gun control,it's not "if" this is going to happen,but when.

Ok what are the facts? gun control is not going to stop people from killing it is and will be a fact of life and will never end.
I really hate that this deal happened in Conn..But I fail to see how banned large magazines and "assault rifles" are going to help the situation, but I'm sure they will be banned soon, even though it didn't help at all last time, just ran the prices up..Come to think of it, I hate the term assault rifle, it a manufactured term by the media mostly as an overgeneralization of any gun that looks menacing..

this is a ruger mini 14, .223 remington, same caliber as the dreaded bushmaster the killer supposedly had..not all that intimidating..still fires one round when you pull the trigger, just like the oh so evil bushmaster..

this is the same gun with some anywhere available accessories stuck on it..same gun, same caliber,still one round at a time, its no more or less deadly than the original..

From the post above, I guess I'm a moron, but I deer and varmint hunt with my Bushmaster M4..and so do several of my friends..Its just a high quality gun, that shoots one round at a time..The media makes it sound like anyone can just walk in and buy a gun that will empty a 30 round mag in 2 seconds, and that is just not the case.. Just a touchy subject for a lot of folks..
I found myself in a debate on a fb page called mothers against guns. The lady's was so uneducated on guns that it wasn't funny. They rely on the media for their info. They actually thought the ar15 was a fully auto machine gun. When we (several gun owners) corrected them we was banned and all our post deleated. If they are going to debate about it they should at least educate themselfs.
People that are against guns need to realize that banning them will not stop criminals from getting them. All that will do is take guns away from good people trying to defend and protect themselves and their families.
As far as the people who are killing people, it was said on the first page. Morals are in the toilet along with family values and the value of life. Violence is everywhere for anybody to see at any given time. I work in a grade school and hear 4th graders talking about games, tv shows and movies that they really should have no clue about.
Kids grow up way too fast now.....

People that are against guns need to realize that banning them will not stop criminals from getting them. All that will do is take guns away from good people trying to defend and protect themselves and their families.
As far as the people who are killing people, it was said on the first page. Morals are in the toilet along with family values and the value of life. Violence is everywhere for anybody to see at any given time. I work in a grade school and hear 4th graders talking about games, tv shows and movies that they really should have no clue about.

exposed to so much that they become a lot of things but violence more than's normal for them...that being said, taking guns out of the hands of citizens is NOT going to stop this....neither is arming everyone....knee jerk reactions to every situation solves nothing...we can't forget or at least get vague on situations like Columbine and Mississippi and all the other active shooters in schools and then try to react when it happens years later....again...after schools had things in place to stop this crap and got lacsidaizial (spelling) about them and stopped doing the things that would deter or stop these types of situations....example...all of our schools installed cameras and automated lock systems after the first wave of school violence....over the years..what happens....they stop using it or their use is limited....people now can get into most of the schools without a problem and or being "buzzed" in....anyway...sorry, I'm rambling again....
Drug free smoke free crime free is all crap . They are never going to stop this . I'm from Chicago . You do something wrong the cops would bring you home . The second time the cop would kick your ass . Third time ass kick and than jail . the kids now don't know pain because if you touch your kid now YOU go to jail .
My girlfriend was killed by an ex boyfriend . His gun was legal . People now just don't care or have respect for each other .
Bad apples in every line of work.....

No excuse for it....just stupidity.....I apologize for them....not the way to do business....
Gun control

Originally Posted by oldmanb
Come now! Really, guns are not the isssue??? Are you serious? Look, unless you face the facts and have some kind of gun control,it's not "if" this is going to happen,but when.

America has the 4th worst school shooting in the world and it wasn't even this shooting. England the country having some of the most strict gun controls is the winner, what a great tittle... The truth is the the top 3 were all in countries were gun's are basically banned from public possession, they also have the highest rates of gun crime. This is the most common theme, more gun control equals more valance against the un-armed law abiding people... Case and point Chicago, strictest controls= most gun violence. This very apparent if you go through history. FYI worst American school shooting was in 1929

It's very disappointing that people want to do so much with so little information and unwilling to learn a little about what there fighting about. We have strict gun controls in place, criminals don't care.

Banning a specific gun after a shooting is comparable to banning an alcoholics brand of boo's after he kills someone with car.[S

Sorry for the rant, this whole thing was horrible
Originally Posted by oldmanb
Come now! Really, guns are not the isssue??? Are you serious? Look, unless you face the facts and have some kind of gun control,it's not "if" this is going to happen,but when.

America has the 4th worst school shooting in the world and it wasn't even this shooting. England the country having some of the most strict gun controls is the winner, what a great tittle... The truth is the the top 3 were all in countries were gun's are basically banned from public possession, they also have the highest rates of gun crime. This is the most common theme, more gun control equals more valance against the un-armed law abiding people... Case and point Chicago, strictest controls= most gun violence. This very apparent if you go through history. FYI worst American school shooting was in 1929

I don't know where you found your facts on this, but Englands worst shooting was only 16 people,(I'm not trying to minimize the deaths of 16 people)
ONE of the myriad of problems with teachers carrying is, how will they react in a real threat situation? Police have extensive training for this and when it really happens, it still is not easy. You have to make split decisions immediately. Do we really need to now train teachers like we train police or the military? How many teachers are going to get trained? The average teacher is female, intelligent, non-agressive and probably has no desire whatsoever to have anything to do with a weapon, let alone a hand gun. What about a teacher flipping out and shooting up the school? What about a student getting one of their guns? I think this is a poor choice.
I'm a multiple gun owner and have been for decades. One position I have is that there is absolutely no need for any assault type weapon. None. There is a reason the general public cannot own a Howitzer, hand grenades, etc. Does anyone really hunt with an assault rifle? If you do, you're a moron. Yes we in the United States have freedom, but it is not exclusive. Like it or not, there are rules every where. From what kind of weapons you can own to when you can cross a street. If you think this is not how a modern society should be then you need to buy yourself an island and make your own rules/laws.
Can you tell me where hunting is mentioned in the text of the 2nd Amendment? I don't care how long you have owned guns it is clear that you have ZERO understanding of the true intent of the 2nd Amendment

an armed society is a polite society.

l think the problem with the government getting involved is like death from a thousand cuts on anything they touch, cars, taxes or guns, they never stop at a little, they want it all.

banning is not the answer, look at well the drug laws work. if people want something, no law is going to stop them.

limited amount of rounds just means you carry more clips.

vehicles kill more people than guns, but no one is talking about the banning or limiting the number them 1 person owns or the size you can purchase/own. imagine having to buy or register your'e car like you have to firearms. there'd be millions less cars on the road.

l too have been the parent of a child's life cut short. it is the most painful thing l ever went thru.

l don't have all the answers, wish l did.

my heart goes out to the victims, may the parents and friends know peace one day.

all these politicians right are doing is knee jerk reaction to appease the public and look like their doing something.

better mental health and putting crooks away to stay and stop the revolving door of slap on the wrist crap. get serious and put the bad people where they can do no harm. we have a death penalty, USE IT. dead people don't re-offend.

thank for letting me vent............

Later :(
I agree with Skull 100% and I'm sorry for his loss as well as those folks in New Town CT.
I read a deal the other day that said 2 things on the road to Socialism are gun control and government run health care. I suppose by that point, they'd have us right where they want us.
I'm not an expert but I think it was back in the 70's when the civil liberties union (liberals) decided we needed to change the way we deal with crazies.
Today they (liberals) want to change how we allow gun ownership.
It'd be my guess the problems not the guns. [S
I'm sorry for your loss Skull, and my heart goes out to the people of Newtown.

"Gun control is not crime control".

"When owning a gun becomes a crime, only criminals will own them".

If governments spent a fraction of their budgets on real societal issues, then, and only then, they can say they've done something. In my mind, mental health is the most ignored and poorly funded facet of society. One of my pet peeves is foundations looking for charitable support... for some "issue" in another hemisphere. We have serious issues in our own backyards. Pretending they don't exist doesn't make them go away. Shooting a few doesn't either... that's reactive, not proactive. Unfortunately, this world has spiralled out of control. For that, I don't think a solution exists.

All I know for sure is, it's tough to aim a pistol or smoke a crack pipe while wearing a straightjacket.

Maybe I have become hardened over time or I just accept the fact that the world is not all smiles and rainbows. I have no answers other that what I have been through. If you have never lost a child it is hard to express the hole that is left in a person’s heart, but to fill this hole with vengeance and rage will only tear at your soul. If you have never deal with a family member with a mental illness it is hard to understand the frustration a person go through in trying to cope with it. I’m beside myself with what has happened, but I’m more concerned on where this is heading. The one thing I know is morals have gone out the window and it is time to get back to the basics. I believe in god helps them who help themselves, an eye of an eye, treat other as you would want to be treated, and greed is the root of all evil (I may be a little corny but it gets me through). I don’t believe in a free ride or crushing the average Joe for personal gain. In reading some of the post I drug up some info for food for thought and some of my own rambling.

1. Beslan school hostage crisis
At least 386 dead, including 31 hostage takers | Over 700 injured | Shamil Basayev’s Riyadus Salihiin group. (this is more then the combined total of all the others) this is a old list from 2008

The states held 4 spots and 1 amended. Most of them are resent enough that I should have some idea about them but I can’t remember them being drummed into my head by the media (other then ones in the states), so I was a little surprised when I read through the list.

Again I only know of a small amount on this list but it is staggering reading through it. I did take the time to research some of the info before I posted this up because I for one don’t put stock in the media circus of half truth and misinformation. It discuss me how the media jumps on the bandwagon (stirs the pot and get everyone in a up roar) reports something and later goes back and recant with “well we may have not got all the facts right” (Why teach our children accountably, our larges source of information doesn’t seem to care)

All this is nothing new. The only thing new is we are more willing these days to let a tragedy like this scare us into opening the door for more control in our lives. We still live in the shadow of the last biggest tactic that we let scare us. We have lost more soldiers then the twin tower deaths. Spent tons of money on war and homeland security, for what, to fight terror? And how about that war on drugs? I refuse to be a scared sheep that needs protection from the unseen evils of the world. Statistically there is a greater chance of being killed in a car wreck but every day I roll the dice and get in the car.

I’m not a over the top gun owner, but I do own them. I don’t care for what I am seeing on TV about gun control. I was raised around them and I understand three things real well. A gun is a tool that needs to be treated with respect, protect them and never let them fall in the wrong hands (lock them up), and gun don’t kill people, people kill people. Gun control is never going to stop these type of people (I have know more then my fair share of these), they are either going to buy illegal firearms (this is a lot easier then you may think) or use other means that will kill more people.

It is not what you are exposed to that makes you who you are, it is how you were raised to deal with what you are exposed to that makes you who you are.
No-one died but...

Mental Illness or Darwin award candidate?
Civilization is for the benefit of human beings
If you are not capable of being a human being. If you have some genetic defect or have injured yourself with drug abuse rendering you incapable of being a civilized human being...
You are not a member of civilization entitled to it's protections.
Is there an escalation of insanity in the world?
natural selection used to be a governing factor.
There is no wilding wood bosom of nature inhabited of carnivores for the feral madman to escape to and meet his fate at the hands of a more properly matched peer such as a wolf or a lion.
The natural selection which has gotten us this far in our evolution is no more.

The most dangerous and prevalent predator on he face of the earth is the homo sapien which is why human beings have made it through evolution being prepared to deal with the threat.

If you can't remove them "humanely" by institutionalization then civilized people need to be restored of their rights to self defense.
Self defense does not mean just staying alive
In a more civil age if it were a man accosted with fecal instrument he would have demanded satisfaction at 30 paces.
This woman would have had the right for a gentleman to defend her honor or the "authorities" could have summarily removed the madman from society until such time he returned to sanity or forever.
Just because it speaks does not make it a man
Animals are dangerous

gun control is not the answer. 70 yrs ago we all had guns but not this ****. so what has changed?? simple,,,television and video games create it,,,,
a child is a product of its enviroment,,,,,simple,,,,
so,,,throw away your tv dude,,,other wise you are the problem because you support the system/trash...
the reality answer is this killing will last another 150 yrs untill tv is outlawed.
i bet your kids are getting brainwashed right now while you are on the pc..
oh what a great babysitter it is...
gun control is not the answer. 70 yrs ago we all had guns but not this ****. so what has changed?? simple,,,television and video games create it,,,,
a child is a product of its enviroment,,,,,simple,,,,
so,,,throw away your tv dude,,,other wise you are the problem because you support the system/trash...
the reality answer is this killing will last another 150 yrs untill tv is outlawed.
i bet your kids are getting brainwashed right now while you are on the pc..
oh what a great babysitter it is...

What has changed is, 70 years ago you didn't have the same guns.

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