
Rat Rods Rule

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''SARCASM: just one of his many talents.''
Apr 12, 2009
wet side, washington state
a rare event in the south sound where l live....26 inches of snow!

most of the time we get 10 to 12 inches in one snow storm.

a 1988 truck and a 1980 camaro buried.

then there is the front of my shop:eek:

Later :cool:


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Can't figure the weather here either.....

a rare event in the south sound where l live....26 inches of snow!

most of the time we get 10 to 12 inches in one snow storm.

Later :cool:

52 yesterday and rain, 20 today with snow flurries....supposed to be 47 this weekend...ground is saturated, have no frost in the ground and we have zero accumulation of's like the twilight zone...."you are in another time...another dimension...your destination? The twilight Zone!" It is January? Right?
My son called me today, he is in the Air force and is a heavy machine operator (truck driver), was telling me he did not think that the Tacoma area had snow plows.
Maybe they call out the National guard???

My son called me today, he is in the Air force and is a heavy machine operator (truck driver), was telling me he did not think that the Tacoma area had snow plows.

Sometimes (most times) they have better equipment than the road commission.. :D
Last week here was around 32-36 F....this week so far has been -40F,with the wind chill...-58F...and by the weekend they are talking back up to 32-34F....we have a little snow but not enough do snow mobile but are temps have been all over the about global warming[S[S[S
Oh by the way, around noon we had a tornado go over the shop!!
Knocked some of our fence down, and blew up our sign out front!!!
Just another day!!![ddev
Are you sure it was a tornado.???

Oh by the way, around noon we had a tornado go over the shop!!
Knocked some of our fence down, and blew up our sign out front!!!
Just another day!!![ddev

Maybe it was a "terrorist".......who blew up your
26"?!:eek: Holy crap, that's exactly why I moved to Florida from Detroit.
Although it sounds like even the snow has left Detroit :p
Florida law requires us to rub in our nice weather, but since Gastrick already took care of that I will just say I am sorry to see you guys buried like that. :) However, Bill forgot to mention that every woman living in Florida looks just like those two. :rolleyes:

News tonight said you guys are getting the worst snowstorm since something like 1940. :eek:

Weve been pretty lucky this winter here so far. An inch or so in December, four inches Monday and forcast for another 6-8 tomorrow. I still want to move:mad:

For me, living in Minnesota is a birth defect and low intelligence. I was born here and too stupid to leave. I shoulda picked parents that lived in a warm place.
Below zero this morning when I walked the dogs in the dark.
The redeeming quality is there is little else to do than go in the warm garage and work on the projects.

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