He's rockin' the "Nuttin Special"!
AHHHH! Blue smoke launch....near limit dangerous curves...Dirks Bentley on the cd...good bbq for pool night tonight...runnin is good....
Ah, you're a wild one! You may have small feet but you're leaving big tracks.[cl
Smallfoot when ever you get time , it dont even have to be this month or the next ,, just when you feel like it and thanks
[email protected]
no hurry what so ever ..
Love good news [cl
You'll have to post pic of you machine, i'm thinking some thing from an old frankinstein movie [S
Still many positive thoughts
I will Soltz! It's not really all that though. Probably about the size of a smart phone. It is just a monitor with a slot and a screen that reads the numbers off of a test strip that you put a drop of your blood on from a lancet. Similar to what diabetics use to test blood sugar levels. It only takes about a minute to do a reading. Sure beats a 40 mile round trip for me to a doctors office or blood lab. and the 3+ hours involved in the trip for a test that only takes a minute...just can't see that! The doctor was good with it...
That's awesome!
Sometimes I think of doctors as more of salesmen for the drug manufactures then people who actually want to help. It seams they want all of us on 30 types of meds just to treat the side effects of the other meds that they have us on.
Ever read about this guy?
Or this one?