Stolen hot rod in florida

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Insurance is gambling that nothing will happen to the car and they will continue to recieve premiums for the $$70,000 rate. The majority of our hotrods are not driven on a daily basis and the chances of a wreck or theft is less. Most insurance companies have you sign off that it is not your daily driver. Some even make you have another car insured with them. As far as the title, here in Texas if you do it right you can get a builders title which clears up alot of the problems. You can use the original title if you have in hand and numbers match. It does not matter if you modify the car,thats between you and insurer. I have never had onse stole but have had numbers checked. I have state farm and have been with them for 35+ years. They insure my hotrods as stated amount like Gruny's and others. My .02 TP
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I could buy a new vette with what I saved sticking with liability...
unfortunately i spent it all on pop tarts and dr pepper
Had my fights with insurance co in the past.....had a couple of hot rods totaled by other drivers, not willing to cover my actual loss. in my younger days I went after the drivers personally, my only option. surprising how they viewed the debt they owed when I explained it in person.:rolleyes:

had a theft of my tools and the insurance guy wanted to prorate the cost of replacement, as I had the tools for years. but being Craftsman and guarantee to replace 100% if broken I argued that the tools did not deprecate if anything they went up in all my replacement money.[cl

I now carry only PL&PD....I might mention I have only been in one accident in my life that any portion of blame was mine. and only 3 tickets in 53 years of driveing
I saw this on another forum while researching Boyd getting charged for swapping titles.

"It remains illegal for a state (CA-BAR) registered repair shop to 'alter, remove, posses, install, modify, deface or change in any manner' a Federally issued VIN.
It remains legal for a home 'hobbyist' to do the same during the course of repairs/restoration of a vehicle if the panel where the VIN is mounted needs to be replaced or refurbished. He/She must have full right and title to the vehicle and fill out a state "Statement of Facts" about the work done and file it with the DMV. So, according to the state, you can (and many have) swapped the VIN from a vehicle they owned and were restoring onto a new panel or body during the course of that restoration and it is/was totally legal to do so."
That makes sense, they don't want professional chop shops to be claiming they are just "restoring " cars when in fact they have them cut up for other reasons. I guess the State figures a hobbyist is just a one time deal and not a problem.

This whole thing has raised more questions than it has answered. What if, for example, you take a 1950 Ford that you have the title to, replace the motor and trans with a 350/350 combo, put a Nova clip under the front, and replace the rear end with a 9 incher. Then you use a Vega steering box, and customize the body with 54 Chevy grille, etc, etc, etc. Is that car now LEGALLY a 1950 Ford or could they claim it is now only the body and frame and needs to be retitled as "Assembled from parts">

To extend that logic, what if you have a model a body and frame with title. Then you add a dropped front axle, a modern spring, split bones, and later steering box. You use a 9 inch rear, the same 350/350 setup, and you remove the fenders. Is that any different from the 1950 Ford ?

To go further, what if your body is bad and you have to add parts like Brookville doors and rear section, does that now make your A body not an A body any more?

Only the cab (id tag)and doors are '46 on mine and they are chopped and suicided,everything else is off another (several)vehicles and Im registered as a '46 Chevy truck.DMV didnt seem to have a problem of course I didnt point out anything to them. I think the problem comes if you insure it to the hilt and then report it stolen.[ddd I think the insurance company should be responsible to inspect,take pics and anything else they might need for verification otherwise, pay the man!
Insurance is gambling that nothing will happen to the car and they will continue to recieve premiums for the $$70,000 rate. The majority of our hotrods are not driven on a daily basis and the chances of a wreck or theft is less. Most insurance companies have you sign off that it is not your daily driver. Some even make you have another car insured with them. As far as the title, here in Texas if you do it right you can get a builders title which clears up alot of the problems. You can use the original title if you have in hand and numbers match. It does not matter if you modify the car,thats between you and insurer. I have never had onse stole but have had numbers checked. I have state farm and have been with them for 35+ years. They insure my hotrods as stated amount like Gruny's and others. My .02 TP

Be carefull with that "stated amount", it's different than Grundy and other's agreed value.
Tman....didn't want you to think I was blasting you...

Since Michigan law is what I enforce I can only quote from that....didn't want to come off as a smarta$$....after I read it back it seemed a bit "tart"....I apologize for coming off that way....sometimes as a cop you become cynical of people in general...something I try not to do but occasionally It comes out...people are innocent until proven guilty and without all the facts and such, we shouldn't jump to conclusions...I apologize again to anyone I might have offended with my responses....:D
Since Michigan law is what I enforce I can only quote from that....didn't want to come off as a smarta$$....after I read it back it seemed a bit "tart"....I apologize for coming off that way....sometimes as a cop you become cynical of people in general...something I try not to do but occasionally It comes out...people are innocent until proven guilty and without all the facts and such, we shouldn't jump to conclusions...I apologize again to anyone I might have offended with my responses....:D

No problem......Standard practice
States are starting to really look at how our cars are registered and what all we do to them. I saw a show on TV where the inspectors from California went into a car auction and locked down several cars because the rivits on the vin tags were not original. The restoration shops had removed the tags to properly paint the cars and then replaced the same tag on the car, but since they were not factory installed rivits the would not allow the cars to be sold.

I think all of us better enjoy our old cars now because I see the day coming when they will make it just so hard to register them that we may be unable to do so. :(:(

I expect police to be skeptical and tactical, just not emotionally disturbed bullies and Sarge is super cool, frosty... he isn't a bully.
When you hire a guy to check things out and make sure everything is okay they should check things out right?
They don't set policy, they are stuck in the middle between the people who think they can tell everyone what to do and the people who want to be left alone.
I asked an officer once what his job was like and he told me "doing time but only 10 hrs a day instead of 24/7"
what are cops for anyway? you can't just expect them to sit around waiting for people with guilt complexes to present themselves....That's the job of a priest :D
Scoobie doo isn't going to unmask the evil villain... :rolleyes:
No offense to me sarge you know your business on your turf
States are starting to really look at how our cars are registered and what all we do to them. I saw a show on TV where the inspectors from California went into a car auction and locked down several cars because the rivits on the vin tags were not original. The restoration shops had removed the tags to properly paint the cars and then replaced the same tag on the car, but since they were not factory installed rivits the would not allow the cars to be sold.

I think all of us better enjoy our old cars now because I see the day coming when they will make it just so hard to register them that we may be unable to do so. :(:(


Now that's just being nit pickey! As long as it's the same vin plate, it shouldn't matter if the rivits were factory or not! Geez, I've seen some cars that had the vin plate put on with screws from the factory! I guess they'd say they were wrong, too? The rivit police! Give me a break!

I'm afraid Don is on to something we don't want to see happen. With a few scam artists making all of us look bad, one day it may become illegal to change anything from what the factory puts on a car. I hope I'm not around when that happens!:eek:
Now that's just being nit pickey! As long as it's the same vin plate, it shouldn't matter if the rivits were factory or not! Geez, I've seen some cars that had the vin plate put on with screws from the factory! I guess they'd say they were wrong, too? The rivit police! Give me a break!

I'm afraid Don is on to something we don't want to see happen. With a few scam artists making all of us look bad, one day it may become illegal to change anything from what the factory puts on a car. I hope I'm not around when that happens!:eek:

It's very close to that in Germany now. I have a buddy who lives in Germany. He tried to build a Mercedes car hauler. They shot him down, wouldn't even let him ship it to the states.
The last few posts are on a topic that should be in a new thread, it is a subject all on it's own. Where's this segment of the car hobby headed? Ontario is going through a lot of grief right now on rulings that have just come to light. Lots of PO'd people in my area.
Now that's just being nit pickey! As long as it's the same vin plate, it shouldn't matter if the rivits were factory or not! Geez, I've seen some cars that had the vin plate put on with screws from the factory! I guess they'd say they were wrong, too? The rivit police! Give me a break!QUOTE]

Ive heard of horror stories of the "star" rivets GM used on 67-72 trucks being removed during restoration and replaced with regular and not passing DMV inspection.My '46 uses a clutch head screw to hold it on but I dont think the lady at DMV really cared.
Here in Ontario we had an issue come up 5 or 6 years ago. The powers that be were pushing for tuffer street racing laws. In that bill was a buried and very vagely worded paragraph that would have made the cop on the street judge and jury right on the spot. Even so much as changing the color of your car would have been illegal. We caught it in time and were successful in having it removed, but they keep picking away at it.

In another situation I just recently sold my 64 Chevelle to a guy who was completely ripped off by his insurance company. He had a 66 Chevelle burned up, and because he had changed the wheels and the cam they nullified his claim. I just couldn't believe they could do this, but because he didn't declair it on his policy, he was toast.
So what ever happened to the car this started with? Anyone know? How about the guy, did he have his day in court or is he still sitting in a jail cell waiting? End results of these things always seem to dissappear as we get tangled up in the next web of lies and deceit...
So what ever happened to the car this started with? Anyone know? How about the guy, did he have his day in court or is he still sitting in a jail cell waiting? End results of these things always seem to dissappear as we get tangled up in the next web of lies and deceit...

i keep comin here to see how it ends.

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