Snake Farm
Ol school snake charmer!
Supper in the bag.......
Supper on the stove.......
And supper on the table!
Man I love this time of year! [cl[cl Hard to beat tomatoes from the garden and mushrooms from the woods!
[dr[dr[dr[dr The only mushrooms that grow around here will kill you or make you see things
[dr[dr[dr[dr The only mushrooms that grow around here will kill you or make you see things
Ya mean like this..........
Stay away from those. Next thing you know, you're wearing platform shoes, speaking with a British accent and watching Monty Python.
+1 (and then some random letters so I can exceed post minimum length )I don't see any bacon on there?!
I don't see any bacon on there?!
Where is the bacon, anyhow?
I remember my Grandfather picking mushrooms and I think he said something about being able to tell the non poisonous ones from the bad ones by the color of the underside. Is that how you pick them, or is there another way ?
Had a puff ball just last night. Washed it off, skinned off the outer layer and sliced it up in 1/2 inch slabs. Just like having 'mushroom steaks'. Put one of the smaller slabs on a hamburger and it was hanging outside bun, bigger than the patty. 'La-lishous, to the max. Fried in butter on a cookie sheet on the BarB-Q, wouldn't mind another one if I could find one.[cl