Things we remember,

Rat Rods Rule

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I looked for a pic but couldnt find one, we called them "trac shoes" came in black and white or red and white were thin and light and I thought I could run superfast with them but they wore out fast (I was hard on shoes)so mom wouldnt buy them but sometime grandma would.LOL

If they're what I think you're talking about, they were one paper thin layer of canvas that you could almost see through.

Like these.

Had running shoes called PF Flyers, don't know what the PF stood for, but that was back when nylon socks were first available. After a few hot summer days they could have just as well been PU Flyers. Those little grommet/eyelet breather holes used to be great for letting in dust and dirt. By the end of the day, between the dust 'n' dirt, sweat and nylon socks, your feet were as grubby as you could get them. And we had a bath every Saturday night whether you needed it or not!! Maybe that's why Mom took us to the beach so much.;)
Here's one from 1953.
They came frozen in aluminum trays
and had to be cooked in the oven.
(The modern day versions are pretty
tasty but the earlier ones left a lot
to be desired.)

Swanson and Sons
frozen TV Dinner

I'm pretty sure our nearest hospital bought 6 million of those crappy Swanson dinners, and still have a couple hundred thousand left to go.
Gas stations gave blue chip and green stamps. We also gave away mugs. Gas wars when stations were privately owned. Cigarette machines where a pack cost .25 cents.
Puttting balloons on the fork of your bike so the spokes would hit them and make motor noises.

Waiting for Santa to come. I would lay awake for hours the night before because I was so excited to see what he would leave me the next morning.

That first crush you had on the girl who sat across from you in English class.

Passing notes in class and trying not to get caught.

Your first actual date when you turned 16 and could pick her up in your car.

The first time you got to kiss a girl who wasn't your Mom ! [cl:D

Summer vacation from quickly that went by.

Gas stations gave blue chip and green stamps. We also gave away mugs. Gas wars when stations were privately owned. Cigarette machines where a pack cost .25 cents.

My folks smoked Raleigh Cigs because they came with redeemable coupons.

YES ! That's where every balloon I could get my hands on ended up :D

We used playing cards and clothes pins to hold them so the spokes would just barely catch the tips. Man, did I ever get in trouble for taking Granny's clothes pin bag and Gramp's deck of cards.

Speaking of Bicycles, have you ever wondered why the Girl's bikes didn't have the nad-catching bar and the Boy's bikes did? What'sup with that technology???
Speaking of Bicycles, have you ever wondered why the Girl's bikes didn't have the nad-catching bar and the Boy's bikes did? What'sup with that technology???
The girls wore skirts or dresses easier to got off on on and not show much...................darn
Speaking of Bicycles, have you ever wondered why the Girl's bikes didn't have the nad-catching bar and the Boy's bikes did? What'sup with that technology???
The girls wore skirts or dresses easier to got off on on and not show much...................darn

I'm surprised I have any "nads" left. That crossbar was screaming-bloody-murder for my hanger twins. Possibly the reason why many of us have an enlarged prostate. (That half-crushed nut has to go somewhere).

I remember building plywood ramps at the bottom of a hill, or any stretch of real estate where you could reach the highest possible speed before takeoff.

I have to blame Evel Knievel for my behavior. (And my prostate).

When we were kids we were on our bikes from the time we got home from school until it got dark. No wonder the kids of today are overweight, video games don't give you the same workout.

I remember getting in trouble because I got a brand new bike from Western Auto and within a day or two the fenders were off and I had the handlebars turned up to look "badder". Of course I did the same thing to our riding mower, and replaced the muffler with a short length of 3/4 inch water pipe. A piece of string to pull the governor open sure sped up the mowing time too ! :D

I was always "fixing" something. One time I tore my Moms toaster apart and when I put it back together I had 13 parts left over. But when you ejected the toast it shot a foot into the air. :eek: I guess making things lighter really does help performance. :p

We used the spring loaded clothes pegs and any cigarette pack we could find to clip on to the rear forks of the bike to make it sound like it had an engine.
Stupid little things I miss: -
Getting on any public transport and them giving you change,opening a door for a woman and being thanked,pubs that had free snacks at lunchtime,respect from kids,shop/store workers who give a damn,women who weren't covered in tattoos and who didn't swear like a trooper,music I can understand the words of.
Green shield stamps,cigarette cards,oh and the shoes /boots you guys talk about for us Brits were called 'Baseball boots' and I bought a pair about 4 years ago only to find out every rockabilly wannabe wears them now.
Remember "Engineering Boots" that we wore and coated with motor oil so we could be cool like the tough guys? (were these the same as the Baseball Boots EnglishBob mentioned ?)

Skinny belts and skinny neck ties.

DA (ducks a**) haircuts.

Having a comb in your back pocket at all times and whipping it out every time you passed a mirror or plate glass window.

Hair on your head. :eek::eek::D

Brylcream hair dressing.

Old Spice and Jade East after shaves.

Shaving for the very first time.

Mood rings.


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