The Rat Captain
First welding today so as i said it's offically started.
1971 GMC "Sprint" From the pix you can guess what's next, the top comes off next week, we hope [S
5" =/- chop, desided to bag it instead of trying a channel and a bed shorting to hopefully keep the perporsion close ?
Daughter / Father thing, i'm teaching as we go along so it might take a little longer [S
Stay tuned[P[P
1971 GMC "Sprint" From the pix you can guess what's next, the top comes off next week, we hope [S
5" =/- chop, desided to bag it instead of trying a channel and a bed shorting to hopefully keep the perporsion close ?
Daughter / Father thing, i'm teaching as we go along so it might take a little longer [S
Stay tuned[P[P