2nd amendment rant-sorry

Rat Rods Rule

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So...now we are down to blaming video games for all this violence....Thats as lame as the cars kill more people than guns excuse.....I saw this the other day and it makes sense, to this dumb Canadian anyways.......


Sure, its the nutty people.....but, you have to find a way to keep these nutty people at bay.
When I was going to high school, it was a rural community, and many of the pickup trucks in the school parking lot had guns in gunracks in their back windows. It was not uncommon for many of us to go hunting before school in the morning, or after school. In the community, farmers and ranchers had gunracks. The reason that stopped, is not because it became dangerous. It stopped because people started stealing the guns from parked trucks. I carried a pocket knife all through school, as most of us boys did.

It was all very innocent, common, and benign. So what changed? The answer... everything.
Why do we need semi auto rifles?

To protect our selves from the government. It's that simple.
Why do we need semi auto rifles?

To protect our selves from the government. It's that simple.

i had a woman tell me all assault weapons should be banned ,i asked her what a assault weapon was to her,she replied anything with a "clip",i have a bolt action 308 with a "clip",i also told here since a ruger 10/22 has a clip,it should be considered a assault weapon,just about everyone 40 and under in the USA has probably learned to shoot with a 10/22,people dont know what the hell hey are talking about,they just want to get on someones bandwagon

and one more personal rant,its a damn magazine,not a clip,we are not in the projects and we shoot our guns straight up not sideways
It's our responsibility to be involved in the community. We fail at that badly and then are surprised when one of our kids flips out. It's easier to blame inanimate objects and the government rather than do what we need to do ourselves.

The USA has lost its role models. Not just heroes or great men, etc., just the average family doing things the right way and participating in the local community. I blame air conditioning, cable TV, the internet, and shopping malls. How many of you know your neighbors more than a block away? Who do the neighborhood kids look to as role models? Do you ever even see kids out in the neighborhood? Are you ever outside yourself? We all live in our boxes looking out tiny electronic windows. Who's teaching the kids what? How much do you know about the kid next door?

Doc C, you said it well. This isn't a gun issue or a video game issue, ect. It is a failure of society.
Teach your children well.

My son grew up playing all kinds of video games including the graphic war headshot stuff. He also knows the difference between fantasy and reality, right and wrong, good and bad..... I have absolutely NO issue with this... because I know I raised a responsible boy with good character and values.

Now, if I left him in a room for 20 years with nothing but games and junk food, I'd be dealing with a head detached from reality... full of garbage and disrespect. He would also be functionally and socially illiterate. A healthy mind requires balance... it's not just for engine builders.

Gun control. Our laws are far more strict, but they don't stop violent crime by any stretch of the imagination. .... Bad intentions are bad intentions. It's our responsibility as a society to raise good children, the rest will take care of itself.

So...now we are down to blaming video games for all this violence....Thats as lame as the cars kill more people than guns excuse.....I saw this the other day and it makes sense, to this dumb Canadian anyways.......


Sure, its the nutty people.....but, you have to find a way to keep these nutty people at bay.

Lets reverse that logic Stroker, in the USA, we aren't required to register a car or get a license unless we want to drive on public roads. So therefore we shouldn't need to register a gun or get a permit unless we plan to use it on public land.
As a retired LEO, and long time shooter, I can say I don't own any assault rifles, only some SKS rifles, mini 14s, and an AR or two. I don't plan on making any assaults. But I can tell you, the SKS is within reach. More like an anti assault rifle.
Do you actually believe you will be able to shoot your way out with a puny assault rife if the government decides to come get you? They could vaporize you before they ever get into range for a 223, probably before you even know they're coming.
I have listened to this topic being discussed since I was a little kid, over 50 years ago. My dad and his cronies really believed they would never see their social security and would see the time the government came after all their guns.
Do you actually believe you will be able to shoot your way out with a puny assault rife if the government decides to come get you? They could vaporize you before they ever get into range for a 223, probably before you even know they're coming.
I have listened to this topic being discussed since I was a little kid, over 50 years ago. My dad and his cronies really believed they would never see their social security and would see the time the government came after all their guns.

I understand what you are saying,but I honestly dont believe if the order was to ever come down to go and take our guns.That the men and women that make up our armed forces and LE will go against those orders,because they know it will be family and friends they are going up against,i think they will turn on the order givers first
I respect all that's on RRR and my comment is not directed at any individual so don't take it personal.
I am not anti government, we need our government, just not the unqualified people that have been elected to hold those offices and abuse their power.
With those people in our government, in most cases, it's all a smoke screen to take your attention off the brass ring, for a bigger agenda on the horizon and almost like a dictator society, provoking their will on the citizens with military and police to do it.
Now to the weapon issue (weapon covers a wide range of objects so I will use the term gun).
Any of the guns I have, are in no way to protect myself from the government or police, that is a very foolish thought.
The protection of my family is my responsibility and the utmost priority on my list. Without a gun or guns, of some sort, protection from others, out to do you or your family harm, would have to be carried out in hand to hand combat situation.
If and when the time comes with numbers on their side, you will loose!!!!!!!!
I am a veteran and I can tell you, you do not want to be limited to that situation.
If you go out looking for trouble or a fight, you will find it and may not like what you find.
If you are a law abiding citizen on your property in a defensive mode, the trouble can be detoured by having protection (guns)!!!! Again without protection you and your family are sitting ducks and most likely will not survive an attack from lawless individuals.
The Declaration of Independence of these United States was written to protect our rights and if you allow the elected individuals to deprive you of those rights then my time served in the military was wasted and I put myself in harms way to protect those who are not willing to help protect mine :mad:
With all due respect to our neighbors, The Declaration, is of these United States and should not be open to debate from any other country other than ours.
That is why it was written in the first place, to declare our independence from another country.
The issue of guns versus human life is not what is at stake her.
I was as shocked and appalled as anyone else with the resent attacks but, it would not have mattered if it were a fully automatic assault weapon or a single shot 22.
The unprotected children and others would still have occurred, it would have just taken longer (God what a sickening thought).
The deranged and crimanally minded will be the ones with the weapons and not the law abiding.
A gun can be made from a vast number of items so outlawing will only hinder the common person.
I've probably stumped my toe or cut off my entire foot and I choose to stop here, this thread will only get worse and I will not post on this issue again.
When I was going to high school, it was a rural community, and many of the pickup trucks in the school parking lot had guns in gunracks in their back windows. It was not uncommon for many of us to go hunting before school in the morning, or after school. In the community, farmers and ranchers had gunracks. The reason that stopped, is not because it became dangerous. It stopped because people started stealing the guns from parked trucks. I carried a pocket knife all through school, as most of us boys did.

It was all very innocent, common, and benign. So what changed? The answer... everything.

Yep, it was the same when I was in school back in the 70's.

It's our responsibility to be involved in the community. We fail at that badly and then are surprised when one of our kids flips out. It's easier to blame inanimate objects and the government rather than do what we need to do ourselves.

The USA has lost its role models. Not just heroes or great men, etc., just the average family doing things the right way and participating in the local community. I blame air conditioning, cable TV, the internet, and shopping malls. How many of you know your neighbors more than a block away? Who do the neighborhood kids look to as role models? Do you ever even see kids out in the neighborhood? Are you ever outside yourself? We all live in our boxes looking out tiny electronic windows. Who's teaching the kids what? How much do you know about the kid next door?

Doc C, you said it well. This isn't a gun issue or a video game issue, ect. It is a failure of society.

Sam is right, lots of reasons things are different now than when we were kids, some better, some probably for the worse. Why are kids so fat now days? They sit inside all the time playing video games and don't get any exercise. We didn't know what a video game was, we weren't allowed to stay in the house in good weather, we we told to go out side and play. We lived in neighborhoods where you could trust your neighbors, not be scared of them.

I think it's the decline of society that has brought on the nutcases. They don't have any sense of right or wrong, or subdue it to a point that anything goes.

All the laws in the world will never change things 100%. As long as their are laws, some will be broken. There will always be mass killings, by gun, bow and arrow, or knife, somebody, somewhere will snap and commit heinous deeds. All the good intentions of lawmakers cannot protect you. You know what is said, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. I may become an outlaw, but a firearm is my choice for protection of my family and myself, whoever the perp may be.

I'm glad we can discuss this issue without getting into a shouting match over who's right and who's wrong. Now I wish those in Govt would cool off and do the same thing.....
So...let me get this straight...
A gun rack...in the back of a vehicle, in which I would assume you'd take to car shows...let alone drive the Dean of your college around on parade day...in which the general public can see...carrying an assault rifle...

Doesn't present a realistic war image to kids???"

Unfortunately my kids only know a world in war. They have seen it on the nightly news and even more I have been in the military for the past 14 years. I have been on two deployments, seen more than I ever wish I had, but am proud to be a part of protecting our great nation. Both of my kids are proficient and responsible shooters, with the main focus always on safety. Does a military vehicle in a parade present a realistic war image, or a squad of veterans walking in a parade? I don't think people would connect my AR15 to images of war, they will connect it with the battle over our 2nd amendment rights. I do want to thank you and everyone who has shared opinions and views on this. There is no easy answer, I just hope we can come together and so what right for our country... Like protecting what our founding Fathers fought so hard for. Thanks again!
I'll leave this thread with this, and leave it at that.

I’m not naïve to thinking that TV and Video games cause this behavior, just that if a child is inundated with this reality with out guidance from the parents the child is more likely going to be violent. I myself was a teen when video games hit the arcades. But the big difference was I had to work for arcade money, so there was a reward for working hard, not just plug and play all day and not having to work for it.

Like BH was saying about the guns hanging in the back window of trucks. I was raised in Fruita and it was a farming community and it was common to bag a couple rabbits on the way home for dinner. You could drive thru the high school parking lot and see100s of guns at any given time. It was just the way of life. The guns didn’t go away because of rules, they went away because people started sealing them so they were left at home. I can’t recall any shooting ever happening even with the armory in the parking lot.

I had a worker one time that was involved in a car wreck, he was tee boned by an illegal and guess what, no license, no registration, no insurance and in the wrong country. And not all states require safety inspection period. The realty is not every driver on the road is driving legally.

A semi automatic is not an assault rifle, I don’t care how you dress it. It only shoots one at a time period. It doesn’t become one till you pull the trigger once and it empties the magazine. Do I need to protect myself from the armed forces of the Government, not likely and I would be dead before I could get to many shots off. With the way things are falling apart do I need to protect myself from the public, this is sad but it is more realistic then you may think. The government doesn’t need to tear us apart, we do a good job on our own.

You can make all the rules in the world and you are not going to stop criminals. Stopping criminals is like stopping greed, not going to happen.

And a thanks to Sam, Doc C, Bamamav, Old Iron for the good insight and to the Tman for the extra reading material.
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This is just me being a critical thinker and isn't directed at anyone:
Why shouldn't everyone be forced to drive a model T so police don't have to go on high speed chases...
Because when people are using their own brains they see the common sense absurdity in a statement like that
But when they have been brainwashed or let someone else do their thinking for them or when they try to think with their feelings like the animals do... they are, let's just call it "in the dark"

It's obvious most of the people yapping about the necessity to ban guns or ban certain features don't shoot them.

Why a civilian AR15? (which incidentally is not used by the military and is not an "assault rifle")

1) a rifle because I want to hit what I’m shooting at.
2) advanced designs in ergonomics.
Ergonomics = more safety.
An adjustable stock because everyone's body is different and the rifle when you bring it up on target needs to be right on target instantly without shifting yourself around so you can look down the sights and without thinking about aiming.
90% of your thinking happens in training
3) Pistol grip- more comfort and safety. A corrected natural wrist angle, I don't want to lose my index on the trigger and I want to maintain control over the gun.
4) picatinny rail for the adjustable mounting of scopes and other accessories
5) polymer stock- lighter weight and yup even more ergonomics
6) The auto in semi-auto does not mean automatic fire it means automatic reload.
7) magazine? Any gun that only shoots one bullet before you have to reload cannot defend you from attack
8) Removable magazine? sometimes you need to fire more than 5 bullets before it's safe to stop to reload. head shots are really hard to make and increases the risk of an innocent bystander getting shot.
Center of body mass shots takes several impacts to incapacitate an aggressor.
9) sometimes more than one person is attacking you.
10) when your attackers are armed you only have fractions of a second to react and maybe 2-3 seconds to take them down
11) I wouldn't be interested in a .223 I'd rather own a 30 caliber
12) If I was a concealed carry permit holder I'd rather carry a sig saur 9mm (looks like a makarov) than a bulky revolver
I'm not sure what any gun control measure they are proposing would have done to prevent the most recent shooting at the elementary school. The guns were owned by the mother, who liked to target shoot at the local gun ranges.

Presumably she would have been able to pass any background check, waiting period, etc and would have had the guns either way. The problem seems to be she left them accessible to her mentally unstable son.
I'm not sure what any gun control measure they are proposing would have done to prevent the most recent shooting at the elementary school. The guns were owned by the mother, who liked to target shoot at the local gun ranges.

Presumably she would have been able to pass any background check, waiting period, etc and would have had the guns either way. The problem seems to be she left them accessible to her mentally unstable son.

Exactly! So what can we do about that? I would go along with funding a study to determine how often, and in what instances, this same senario has taken place and then try to figure what to do about it. In the meantime, I'm carrying my pocket pistol.
I have guns because I like them and they are the best investment you can put you money in. I have no forethought that I would ever need to use one on another human so I don't really own guns designed for that purpose.
However, I sure could get into decimating some wild pigs with an AR.

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