The bigger the chop the lower the roof goes(Obviously

The lower the roof goes the greater the side angle as it goes towards the roof causing the tops of the doors to stick out. As well as needing more relief cuts in the top to make things fit. Some people cut the roof into quarters and put a cross filler strip in the roof to bring the roof all out back to the stock angle and fit the door tops.
I just leaned my door tops in. I did it on the truck and have done it on the Dodge . Much less welding and the glass still rolls up and down as it should.
When you quarter it you get a real floppy mess and if you are working by yourself it can get interesting. Plus if you are going to get warpage and oil canning from welding heat that roof is the most likely place.
With a 3-1/2 inch chop the roof will need about a 2-3 inch??? filler piece going side to side to line up the A pillars.
Go back and take a look at the chop and section OI did on the Chevy AD truck cab.
He did what I call a "U" shaped cut in the roof. See the crude artist rendering.

This style of cut helps the roof hold it's shape better. I think.
Lots of different ways to do chops. It's mostly a matter of personal preference. Some prefer not to cut across the roof at all but to lean back the A pillars. It's all work not matter how you do it.[

Good plan getting the roof in shape before you cut , Kenny.[cl

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