Baby it's cold outside

Rat Rods Rule

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I decided to drive my roadster to work today, it hasn't moved since I got home from Turkey Run December 1st. It was pretty pleasant this morning, in the high 60's, but the temps kept dropping during the day and I drove home in 50 degree weather. I see some Nyquil in my future and a hot soak in the tub.

It is supposed to drop into the low 40's every night this week, which is VERY cold for southern Florida.

It is supposed to drop into the low 40's every night this week, which is VERY cold for southern Florida.


For some reason I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for you Don. Dropping
all the way down to the 40's!!!!!!!!!!!
Better check the antifreeze.

It was 55 here this afternoon so I took BOB and went to the Post Office and cruising around a little. It was rather pleasant.
40s :D

At 40 we break out the flannel shirts. It was actually nice to wake up to 10 after having it -10 & windy.

Had a co-worker that transferred from So. Cal a few years ago. The guy was losing it when the weather dipped to the 40 here in November the 1st year he lived here. I told him when it's January and you see us wearing a coat, you learn a a new definition of cold.

But, without the cold you can't truly appreciate crusin' on a warm summer night.
Supposed to be 110 degrees at Melbourne, Australia today.
That a little extreme too.

I'd perish inside of an hour. ^^^

The weather has successfully performed a 180* here. Above freezing temps and ridiculous high winds. (Yesterday, I saw a Christmas tree rolling down the street like a tumbleweed. :D) We often get these "false springs" (otherwise known as Chinooks) which tend to give false hope, but it's still January and arctic conditions are sure to return. :(
Its been a roller coaster this winter. Warm to begin with then a deep freeze, warm a couple days then kinda chilly, back up again and now another deep freeze in the coming week that's predicted to last for at least two weeks. Frickin super! I really envy you people that are in warmer climates already
A local car from a local forum. (I don't know the guy but he's clearly an "enthusiast" at 10 degrees below. :D)



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Cold up around here? Let's go drag racing on a lake.

Thanks for posting, Bob. I'd do that in a heartbeat!

You're probably familiar with Ky Michaelson...


... and here's a local creation. This thing was mounted on a pole in front of a sled shop for at least 20 years. I understand its been sold and restored since...



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The guys at the Merrill, Wisconsin ice drags put around 1,100 sheet rock screws in each tire, then use a tube. A lot cheaper than those high zoot studs Dr. C used on his bike.

Dr. C, I've visited with Ky a few times. Beside being a genius he is a real character.
The weather. Up and down. Above freezing one day, 30 below the next. T-shirt on Sunday, full arctic gear Monday. (Wonderful conditions for the arthritic. :mad:)

The guys at the Merrill, Wisconsin ice drags put around 1,100 sheet rock screws in each tire, then use a tube. A lot cheaper than those high zoot studs Dr. C used on his bike.

Dr. C, I've visited with Ky a few times. Beside being a genius he is a real character.

Sorry, I didn't intend to mislead. I bought a pail of screws from a surplus outlet and cranked them into the lugs, much like this...


Some more snow machines here...

This where I first read of Ky and he can be found in the "other guys" tab. "Big Al" is now posted at the top of the Alouette page and I just read that account. I apologize again as I THOUGHT it was locally built. (Clearly an urban legend and my weak mind believed it. :eek:)

Bob. I'll file this under "you never know when you might need it" info.

Dr. C. Careful in that kind of changing weather, it'll make old farts sick.

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