haven't been payin' much attention here lately,

but good reports are always good news, ......bob, glad you got it..........[cl
on another note i must share the way yesterday went for me.......
started about 7:15 firing up the old 46, headin' for my shop (15 miles away) got about 5 miles down the road and it splutters and dies, like its outta gas but it wasn't. i roll into a driveway and get out, raise the hood and look around-yep, the carbs' getting NO gas-must be the filter....pocketnkife-turned-screwdriver and filter is removed only to find it flows freely...crank motor with line "open" (not fire-safe i know) but no gas there either--fuel pump!?[S
grab my cell phone to call the lil' lady cell, but my phone is DEAD
about 10-15 minutes i hitch a ride back home.....get the car go to the shop, get a buddy and we take his f-250 to pick it up-i might mention i had to go borrow my own trailer back but that's another story.....
by the time we get to my old truck it's raining-just a lite shower not heavy-but bad enuf to get soaked...my friend has an electric winch and we start to pull it up on the trailer, now by this time--10 am--i'm not feeling to "ratrod friendly"...standing there as people drive by gawking and all
......and then it hits me......
.........no wonder i had so much trouble
i think i'll trash it today so i don't have any more "fun" like that