So I talked with Eric at Hot Heads today....really nice guy. Order some more miscellaneous parts. He said if I'm gona run the motor within 2-3 weeks I'm good to go with the first priming. He told me I could crank it a few times with the coil wire off to be safe.
On the rotor position although it could point anywhere as long as I'm synced with the #1 Cylinder at TDC / compression stroke a a good practice is to have the rotor pointing to the #1 cylinder which would be 11:00 on the dizzy looking at it from the rear. So I changed it whata pain. Maybe a good tip....I saw on the Pork that guys use magnet to pull that intermediate shaft and gear up. I used a small long plastic funnel and ground the bottom until it fit tight in the gear bore. Worked very nicely and I didn't have to worry about dropping anything down there.
I got these cast aluminum rocker covers fro Hot Heads and the spark plug tube covers are no longer made to fit those from Tayor. I bought a set from Summit, trimmed down the OD with a sharp scissor then ran them on the disc sander while using a plastic pipe fitting to get a nice 1.650 OD. The fit down in the bore tightly and look decent. Of course another PIA job
I had toget a 2 groove water pump pulley and a stacked crank pully to get my fan belt out a bit cause the single groove was too close and the belt is going to run on the water pump hose.
I have my temporary rack of gauges, switches, wiring to fan, fuel pump, coil and fuel line ran in prep for the run.
I'm hoping I can run this bugger in another week or so, I'm still waiting for my machinist to bang out that alternator bracket.
On the rotor position although it could point anywhere as long as I'm synced with the #1 Cylinder at TDC / compression stroke a a good practice is to have the rotor pointing to the #1 cylinder which would be 11:00 on the dizzy looking at it from the rear. So I changed it whata pain. Maybe a good tip....I saw on the Pork that guys use magnet to pull that intermediate shaft and gear up. I used a small long plastic funnel and ground the bottom until it fit tight in the gear bore. Worked very nicely and I didn't have to worry about dropping anything down there.
I got these cast aluminum rocker covers fro Hot Heads and the spark plug tube covers are no longer made to fit those from Tayor. I bought a set from Summit, trimmed down the OD with a sharp scissor then ran them on the disc sander while using a plastic pipe fitting to get a nice 1.650 OD. The fit down in the bore tightly and look decent. Of course another PIA job
I had toget a 2 groove water pump pulley and a stacked crank pully to get my fan belt out a bit cause the single groove was too close and the belt is going to run on the water pump hose.
I have my temporary rack of gauges, switches, wiring to fan, fuel pump, coil and fuel line ran in prep for the run.
I'm hoping I can run this bugger in another week or so, I'm still waiting for my machinist to bang out that alternator bracket.