newbe in Tenn.

Rat Rods Rule

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hay i just wanted to let all of the rat rods around the morristown konx tn.area or some were not to far away. for a late 20s or 30 something car to buy..
i have to say it is not easy to sall a car these day. the market is just not there. i had to pass up some real good deals (will that i though) or maybe iam trying to hard so i can buy my frist hot rod.
hay i just wanted to let all of the rat rods around the morristown konx tn.area or some were not to far away. for a late 20s or 30 something car to buy..

I have a 27 T coupe. Would make perfect rat and I am only about 20 minutes from Morristown. Call me. I have both doors for it.


Sure am glad you mastered pics because those cars were worth seeing, in fact I am going back to look again. I love this site its like a lazy airconditioned/heated car show.

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