Well I guess it's started

Rat Rods Rule

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Only Three Days

To get the bumper cleaned up and on. Little steps will get the job done, so I'm told [S


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Little by Little

Just a little update and some be4 and after shots. Got the exhaust serviceable, I'm going with 2" straight pipes (until I ticketed) all the lights working, a piece of glass in front of the steering wheel. Daughter is pestering to drive it so, I guess it's time to get the lic. current and insured [S and yes I wouldn't mind a little drive myself.

Day 1

Day 373

Bumper before, during and after




Thanks guys
tomorrow we'll do another windshield. I've been practicing with the small cutting wheel and it seem to work pretty well [S I'll try to get pix while we do the cuts. This time I think three cuts to the final shape [S
Sorry about that

I can't get the vid to play on 2 different machines?

What was the problem(s)?

It's the standard photobucket thing?

lots and I mean lots of vertical cracks. I'm thinking maybe the heat or the vibration [S I'm going to try your advise and build a curved platform to support it while cutting the old fashion way next time.
I can't get the vid to play on 2 different machines?

What was the problem(s)?

It's the standard photobucket thing?

lots and I mean lots of vertical cracks. I'm thinking maybe the heat or the vibration [S I'm going to try your advise and build a curved platform to support it while cutting the old fashion way next time.

The video worked just fine for me, I'm not sure why Sam can't see it.

As for the cracks, I would think it's because of the heat and vibration. Those cutoff discs can tend to move some if you get them cutting hard stuff like glass, plus the glass is brittle so I'm sure it was probably vibration. Hopefully you can figure out something easy!
That method might work better if you had a hose running water over the cut to cool it.

Have you though about using a sandblaster? I saw a video of a guy doing it that way, it took a while, but it didn't crack anywhere. You have to mask off everything but the cut line or you get sand pecks everywhere from the bouncing sand.
Finally got the vid to work. HEAT!!! Glass doesn't like pinpoint heat. Also, odds are you are not getting a smooth edge - any chip is more susceptible to start a crack.

Running a little water over it as you cut should help a lot. Also, it's probably better to cut all the way through as you go rather than part way through. I'd say cut one layer at a time, but you'd probably slightly score the second layer in spots and that would be asking for uncontrolled cracks.

You'll need to make sure the discard piece doesn't put any stress on the cut line as you go. Maybe even clamping it to the good part after the first several inches of cut. Possibly cut off the excess every foot or so?

I'm absolutely not practiced at this, but i'd try running water, cutting both layers at the same time, and making sure it is all supported well.

Practice on a broken piece of glass if you have any around.
All good advice.
I have cut glass using an air powered thin kerf'd cut off wheel. You need to use water. Keep the cut off piece supported as Sam says.
Once I made the cut I used a belt sander to cleanup the edge and to do some shaping. Again, Use water.

If you use the sand blast method tape both side of the glass off with heavy tape.(Duct) and still keep it all supported.
Blast thru the first layer of glass then cut thru the saftey laminate and then blast away the second half. Some guys use ignited lighter fluid to melt the plastic between the layers making it easier to cut.
Old glass has a better chance of cracking as it gets brittle with age. Kind of like me.
Good luck and keep at it. Most pros will tell you to have at least 2 winshields before they cut.
Thanks everyone

All good ideas, I have time to figure it out, I used the two windshields locally, the next one has to come from far far away, be here next week, still just $42, time to think and plan. [S I'll keep you up dated, so stand by [P
thanks again

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